
Leaking nude photos on the Internet without permission from the subject is a ridiculously cowardly act.

Remember when Gawker-affiliated site Deadspin posted a video of a young woman having drunken sex in a bathroom, just because? Not a famous girl or anything, just a young woman. When she asked them to take it down, Gawker editors’ initial responses were “blah, blah, blah” and told her “not to make a big deal out of

Getting drunk AT the sporting event? Who am I, Rockefeller?

Wow, what a bunch of THUGS

You people said this shit about Sarah Palin too. “Why do liberals have so much vitriol for her?” It’s apparently impossible for you to realize we just really, really like making fun of clownfrauds.

In this case, nobody would have cared about Tebow ever again if he just stayed an SEC Network commentator, which he’s

The biggest frustration for the Mets and their fans has been, after all this time and effort, Tebow’s continued refusal to go past 2nd base.

I’m still surprised that with his background, they’re trying him out at DH and not converting him to a pitcher. His throwing arm already has years of experience hitting corners.

I think we’ve denied him way more than three times by now.

Reuben, what happened at the combined?!

“Well, it’s in Hazzard, it’s in a hurry and it ain’t a Duke. So whoever that fella is, he’s probably up to no good. “

No panty-lines? Idk, either way, she has my attention.

It’s like these assholes don’t get that keeping out some of the best players of all time actually lowers the prestige and credibility of the HoF. Like, how do you argue the HoF is any more of a meaningful honor than high school class president if 2 of the best 3 receivers ever aren’t even in it?

Your writing ability is excellent, but your knowledge of business and law are lacking.

Eh. They LOOK like it, but guys like Okung actually tend to have muscle beneath the fat.

“Invested” should always appear in quotes. She aint starting a bunch of small business’ with that cash. It’s being traded back and forth by hedge funds for seconds at a time.

Man. Economic anxieties are popping up everywhere. Economic equality would have stopped this from happening. Shame, DNC.

Meesa....sigh. Meesa givin dem da handjobs for Death Sticks, ok? How about yoosa? Yousa want? Here, meesa give free sample. Free sample. Where yoosa going? No! NO! Come back!

@LaComtesse: Thank you. Home birth for many is beautiful; for others I personally know it has been a true hell (ending with a high risk c-section at a hospital after 17 hours laboring at home with a midwife in one case; having the baby before the midwife could bother to show up in another). Midwives have their own