
I wouldn't say it's a particularly sad video. Without any context, it's just a dude singing to his baby in the NICU (which, granted, you never wanna have to deal with, obviously). The story is what's sad here.

I dunno, maybe you're just stupid, or your game-store employees are unusually smart. It's worked for me 100% of the time.

I'll give you $50 if you can find a way to copy a game for the PS4 and have it actually work with any system (PS4, XBone, or PC). I'm not joking - I'll paypal it to you immediately. It's fine if you don't understand what DRM is or how it works, but copying games isn't really a thing you can do, unless you're talking

I never said anything about a different game - I want my money back. It's pretty easy, actually.

The sensors are just little pieces of paper that turn pink when they're exposed to water. You pour bleach on them and they go back to white. Unless they've seriously upgraded them in the last couple generations, which I guess is possible (but seems like a big waste of money, since their prices haven't gone up).

What shitty store do you go to that won't replace a broken disk they've sold you? You just go in, but another copy of the game you want, bring it home, swap the discs. Bring the broken one in "Hey, this game was scratched when I took it out of the case. Can you replace it?". Then when they bring it, put the phone away

You're really only reinforcing my idea that you're an asshole. I've used both Verizon *and* Frontier extensively, and as long as I'm friendly and civil, they've always helped me out. You must be a pretty big dick to get hung up on multiple times by Verizon, because they're ONLY allowed to do that when the customer

Pour bleach on the water indicators. Problem solved.

It's absolutely natural to want stuff for nothing or as little as possible, you twat. You're absolutely an idiot if you think that it's not natural to try and stretch your dollars as far as you can.

It's evil week, retard.

That's okay with me - small companies typically sell (essentially) the same thing for a much higher price. Their only selling point is that they've got better customer service, which nobody gives a shit about anyways. I've got the product for years, and I'm in the store for an hour or so. I'll save the money if it

It's not.

I needed a cheap suit for like 2 hours once, so I went to wal-mart, bought the whole shebang, and wore it. When I was done, I literally stapled the tag to the suit and brought it back. Nobody even checked.

Can you show me where the serial number is on the $60 video game I just scratched? No? Ok, I'll be returning it, then.

Well it doesn't make any sense to do a carry-on when the checked bag is cheaper, so when we consider the fact that you're saving almost $50 for the same flight, and the only difference is that... you don't get a soda? maybe?

You were probably an asshole, then. I've never, in my entire life, met a single customer service rep that was mean to me unless I was mean to them first.

You've got to be a retard to think Frontier is anything other than a great airline. They make it blatantly obvious that a ticket gets you exactly one seat with your butt in it, going from point A to point B. If you want *anything* else, they charge you for it. If you buy everything you'd get on a normal flight, it

I attended my first convention this year. I was just like "Hey, mind if a snap a quick picture? Your costume is awesome!". Most people will snicker a bit and then strike a pose. That being said, if they're busy, be respectful. I wore a Waldo costume one day, and I was stopped at LEAST 40 times (no exaggeration) for

inb4 someone comes to tell you that the relatively sub-par sauce is meant for everything in the world

Fair enough - I'll agree it makes sense if you can find a deal like that.