
Alternatively, you could be a female scientist, work in a lab, and prove him wrong by not falling into these stereotypes. To be fair, though, that would require actual, bona fide work on the female’s part, so I can’t say I blame her for wanting to just take the easy route. I know I would, because I’m a lazy piece of

Eh, people getting upset over this are assholes. He’s not a public figure, he’s a scientist. Let him do his damn work. You’re actively setting back scientific achievements by crying over stupid bullshit like this.

Those guys sound like pussies.

I don’t see why they think this would be an issue for most men. Guys don’t give a shit, typically, if a girl walks up and tells them they have a nice ass. The issue isn’t that it’s inherently an awful thing to do, it’s that women get REALLY FUCKING WORRIED when men give them attention in a direct manner. Gotta hold

Yeah, I responded to someone else, but Kinja decided to make it look like I was saying that to you, because it was written by a bunch of autists.

You could always just *pay* for the food. If you buy everything you used to get for free, your ticket ends up costing pretty much the same amount that it used to (when adjusted for inflation, of course).

Yeah, for some reason they put Reedus in the game. Kind of a turnoff for me, but meh - it would’ve been great either way. Bummer.

Every time I order pizza, I just google "[pizza joint's name] coupon". Every time, retailmenot gets me something like 15% off or free breadsticks.

Eh, I imagine you'd be a shitty parent for just giving your kid things and removing challenges whenever possible. I want my kid to learn the importance of balancing all aspects of life, even during stressful times. They're certainly welcome to reach out to me for help, and I will provide it, but I think only idiots

You seem to be implying parents should pay for their kids' college. That's a shit ton of wasted money. You're deciding what they want to do before they've even gotten there. Blue collar jobs and entrepreneurial vocations are both totally valid choices, and neither need college. Not to mention the fact that you have no

I’m pretty sure he’s got a super young wife compared to his age.

Are guys allowed to go? Mite b kewl.

Eh, people can't help what turns 'em on. Personally, I'd rather someone got their fix in a porn cartoon than in real life when it comes to stuff like this.

I'm going to be real freakin' sad if we end up having to play as some moody cunt the whole game.

The fact that you don't think it's easily treated causes me to realize you're not up to date on treatments.

It's pretty simple, actually. If you burn more calories than you consume, you lose weight. Aside from having a parasite inside of you, or some kind of tumor, this won't change.

Those things aren't even related. Not even a little. Bad information like this is what causes a lot of fat people to simply give up, assuming there's nothing they can do about their weight, leading to a life of bad health.

People, please understand - this article isn't saying that consuming fewer calories while burning more isn't effective - that's still the only way to lose weight. It's simply saying that it's important to approach it in a smart way.

Except that when you're married to her, her credit rating takes a huge hit because of your shit money management. Additionally, it's not like you having one back account instead of two has any effect on your credit rating. If you're over 50, you should understand this stuff a little better - you won't be able to

Hot dang, this is a laaaate response, but I didn't even know that was a thing. Thanks!