
You were quite clearly assuming that it didn't have any female playable characters. It's not hard to pick up on stuff like that. And while it is my opinion, it's clearly not incorrect - every point you've made, I've countered completely. To win the argument, you've just been changing what you're arguing about.

If this comes out and it gets even mildly good reviews, I'm in. Mega bonus points if it supports bluetooth so you can play keyboard + mouse games in a pinch. I've been looking for a small portable to play my PC games on during the 1-2 long-distance trips I take per year.

Your point is a stupid one. It's an asshole move on the feminist's part to try and force female leads into every game out there. I've already proven to you that there's a large number of games out there that feature women, and your only response was "WELL YEAH BUT LOOK AT THESE OTHER GAMES THAT DON'T!". Your stated

The fact that you think it is offensive is offending me. Now you're in the wrong. See how stupid this conversation is?

Nope, I've asked them because I wasn't sure. They said it was fine. Maybe you're just too socially inept to understand how to talk to people.

That's perfectly fine - the point is that colored refers to the minority. Whoever that might include is of no consequence.

Yeah, I'm racist because I acknowledge that I understand a commonly-used phrase. You're a fucking idiot.

I know plenty of colored people who are fine with being called colored. Just because you live around some overly-sensitive people doesn't mean everyone else does.

Colored simply implies that they're not in the majority. Pretty simple.

(no it hasn't)

What else should he call them? Minorities? Only in some countries. Should he list every other race out there? Takes too long. What's a reasonable solution?

Oh holy hell, you know what it means. Jesus.

I never said that all women (or even most women) are phone gamers. I'm simply stating that if we're going to say that 48% of the gamer population is females, we need to establish some ground rules. The first one is that we can't include anyone who downloads flappy bird or farmville to their phone for 30 seconds of

So you admit that you don't have a point to stand on? I never said there were more games with women than men, I was making a point that women are certainly well-represented in the game-o-sphere.

WoW, Tomb Raider, Mass Effect, Smash Bros, Last of US, Borderlands, Transistor, Child of Light, Assassin's Creed Liberation, The Walking Dead, Final Fantasy, Beyond: Two Souls, Bayonetta, Saints Row, Rogue Legacy (though it's not AAA, it was too fucking good to not list), Resident Evil 6, Lollipop Chainsaw, Alice:

If we don't count phone games, can you show me a study that says 48% of women are gamers? Every single guy I know plays video games (or as at some point). Every single guy I know ALSO goes nuts when they find out my girlfriend plays video games.

You're 100% right. Every guy I know picks a white male when playing WoW and ignores the other races because they can't identify with them.

They're anti-gamer because they do their best to ensure that you don't need two consoles to play with someone sitting directly next to you?

I'm sure that happens from time to time. I'd still call the cops if I saw you doing it and let them make the final decision.

You have to abandon it. If you're not a bastion of gender-equality, you're an asshole shit company in the eyes of... like every hippy out there.