
Except anyone who actually knows what they're talking about knows that this isn't a half-assed answer. Nobody gave a shit about women in games until a year or two ago, and a game like this could easily take 3-5 years to develop, so the female thing was probably an afterthought. It requires a LOT of work to make

Link is left-handed.

So you've never played games on consoles before? Because they all look like shit next to PCs, and graphics are apparently all you care about.

"makes more financial sense"

I don't think anyone's bitching. I think everyone's just curious because Eiji specifically said that "no one explicitly said that was Link".

Not to mention the fact that most zelda games lately have had you start in some weird clothing and then change into your classic Link look.

What makes you say he's a righty?

Well they sure as hell beat out Sony - they presented more than 2 new games, for one.

The orientation in which you hold your bow has nothing to do with your dominant hand; it's about your dominant eye. I'm right-handed, but I hold my bow in reverse because of the side my master eye is on.

That's not what link wears at the beginning of Wind Waker. This is:

Ww...what? I thought Pikmin was absolutely gorgeous. Can you provide some screenshots of low-grade graphics in that game?

Incorrect - you don't use your dominant hand to pull back the arrow, it's based on which eye is your master eye. I also hold my bow reversed.

Only if it also changes Zelda to a guy at that point. I personally don't care if I can play as a girl, but I know my girlfriend would be a lot more interested if she could. That being said, you'd lose a lot of the magic if there wasn't some romance, maiden/...broden? in distress to be saved.

"Your ship has been destroyed! It will auto-rebuild in 26 hours. Click here to buy an instant auto-rebuild for only $1.99!"

It's F2P. Sorry bud.

When you have to describe something as "not always terrible", it's a pretty safe bet it'll suck.

It does, but I couldn't give three fucks about four fucks if the game's fun. If graphical prowess was my main goal, I'd be looking at the PC games.

Who cares? I'm picking both up! :P

I actually thought the mouths were the only bad part. And youtube compression has no legitimate effect - you can tell this game isn't as polished as, say, SM3DW.

God, this would be so perfect if Sony and MS were reversed. It'd be an exact representation of E3