I didn't even hear about this game until now, but... it actually looks pretty cool. I sure as HELL hope that I get to do a drum solo as him using the gamepad. If they don't do that, they fucking missed a SERIOUS opportunity.
I didn't even hear about this game until now, but... it actually looks pretty cool. I sure as HELL hope that I get to do a drum solo as him using the gamepad. If they don't do that, they fucking missed a SERIOUS opportunity.
1.5 potato's what? Or did you mean potatoes? Because apostrophes show possession and contraction.
They should make Zelda a girl in this game
Yeah, but the first Bayonetta was fucking perfect aside from the stupid, forced sexual stuff. This one looks like that's all been removed, so all you get is a really stylistic game, great music, super fun combat, and some of the most beautiful enemies you've ever seen.
...a gif of that particular stare?
What, exactly, is that? Increase airflow in what is already one of the best-flowing systems ever made? There's zero reason to buy this.
My thoughts exactly. I actually kinda like the paper cutter.
If I bought console coolers, I would. They damaged a really small number of consoles, and Nyko was on the hook to buy you a new system. Works for me.
The Ratchet and Clank movie mite b kewl. I'll go see it. Other than that, I want Bloodborne, maybe No Man's Sky, maybe Batman, and the white PS4 is super sexy. I might pick up Grim Fandango - I never played the original, but if it was good enough to get remade, then why not? Everything else either didn't excite me…
"I just want this old game, that other old game, and Uncharted 4."
No Man's Sky is a loss for me right now. "LOOK, LOTS OF PRETTY SHIT WITH NO CONTEXT" is not enough to sell me on a game. Far Cry 4 was weird when it was all "Oh no, a gap I can't cross. Guess I need to go back hom—OH WAIT A FLIGHT SUIT EXACTLY RIGHT HERE HOW INCREDIBLY PERFECTLY CONVENIENT!"
Sunk Cost fallacy. I disagree with Ubisoft, but your logic is flawed.
The day they sell that gamepad is the day I sell my Wii U. It's brought a LOT to the games I've played on it. Play Pikmin. Play Mario Kart (it's not just a horn, but I guess you'd have to know what you're talking about to realize that). Play Zombi U.
Except that the games for the Wii U are already made, so the development isn't the issue. They're just saying that they need a bigger market than 6.3 million users. So they're going with the console that has 4.5 million users. Math is hard.
It didn't look as polished. It's just a bunch of procedurally generated stuff. They didn't show any kind of storyline, any objectives, any events, just... a lot of shit to look at. What do you even do? What if it's literally just a game where you fly around and identify stuff?
Because everyone's already played it. They're just trying to nab the idiots who'll pay $120 for one game (by buying it twice).
Wait, you already own them? And you're going to buy them again?
I thought MS smoked the shit out of Sony. Sony just announced a lot of stuff that's been on PC for a year or more, plus a bunch of mediocre looking games. Bloodborne and Destiny were the only good offerings, plus that super sexy white PS4.
Sorry I couldn't get back to you earlier, but thanks a lot for pointing me in the right direction!