
Rum, sodomy and the lash.

I was a walk on, lacrosse, Division III. Not a great team, yet in Maryland (a lacrosse state). I had played hockey and thought the defenseman moves would be similar to lacrosse yadda, yadda. I killed myself learning to catch and throw, asked to play and I stank up the joint (no one was cut).
Most of the lax bros hated

A few years ago my parents are visiting me when my Dad suddenly is getting chest pains, he was about 75 at the time. Wife grabs him and chucks him in the car and goes to the hospital ten minutes away. Ok, fine.
I am coming home from a road trip and am told via phone about this AND that the local hospital doesn’t have

How much for a Brooklyn judge? Just asking.

As a biker, I always got the shakes AFTER someone nearly killed me.

Nice troll. You have no idea what you are talking about. My son is 20 pounds heavier and several inches taller than I. He is middle spectrum autistic and that behvior mentioned, while poor is nowhere near as bad as autsim can get. There is NOTHING to do with badassery, or dominance or anything your narrow neurotypical

Special Needs educators and therapists are trained to deal with his type of behavior, however unpleasant it may seem. Someone failed here and it wasn’t the kid.

The terror grows in the second round.

Annnd the Rpyal airfprce dropped 42 of them on Europe. The Grand Slam, which is 500 pounds lighter. How many have we dropped. Two? Three?

Maybe the kid will get to go to a real J school instead?

We had an actual bomb shelter. It was question on test once, out of the blue. Extra credit baby.

I would risk it.

Bee-yootiful. Just priceless.

First job out of college and I am driving recently repaired Ponyisc Sunbird (beige, manual, paid for) and I get rear ended on the way to work by a faded maroon LTD. Dude backs up and proceeds to leave the scene. I have a tag, a witness, and a really maimed rear trunk and bumper. The car looks like a gian sat on the

Godammit. Born and bred in Baltimore.


Oh and Playboy has become a Victoria’s secret catalog that you have to pay for. Boo.

Who has a tire iron any more?

Hitting the table on the way down look like it hurt more than the punch.

Welcome Kyle!

Wen he caught the ball, he looked like he had done it a few times before. It wasn’t a celebrated miracle. I liked that about him.