
Probably, but I have often thought it would be easy to rig up. Just tap into the exhaust with a brass fitting, run a line to an oil can...easy peasy. On demand smoke screen. To the garage!

The ant worked hard to store enough food for the winter.

The Day After Tomorrow is surprisingly the most entertainingly steaming turd of a movie. I knew what I was in for when it came out, but I made sure to see it in a theater. I was in utter glee with the tornado effects set in Los Angeles.

The stuck:

Getting to the Bay Bridge toll plaza most mornings.

I had an beater 87 K5 for a couple of years that was a dedicated trail rig. Nothing really crazy done to it other than a 4" leaf spring lift and 35" tires. Anyway about 15 years ago I was out with a buddy wheeling the local mountains which was a popular area, and the trail we were on completely eroded as I drove over

Any Lambo: your shirt buttons would pop open, your chest hairs would suddenly pop out to the size of a bush, your skin would turn orange, then you’d be crushed to death by a thousand vaginas.

It was 1995. I had a ‘86 Trans Am - dark blue over silver, but saddled with the pathetic 150hp 305 LG4 - but at least it had a stick.

I actually enjoyed the news segment because it was nothing but witty banter between hosts.

The benefit of the Super Bug was that the McPherson strut suspension was far more supple. Also, the windshield placement is less claustrophobic.

Thank also the ranchers and their veterinarians that load their animals with antibiotics, and the consumers who purchase antibacterial soap for their bathrooms and kitchen counters.

Oh please, everyone knows the true connoisseur only listens to wax cylinders.

When I first came here, this was all swamp. Everyone said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built in all the same, just to show them. It sank into the swamp. So I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. So I built a third. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp. But the fourth one

Now playing

Yo Casey, Queen’s Uni (Canada) has something similar for their engineering frosh week. It’s an old old football upright, covered in lanolin grease. Every year the frosh have to work together, get to the top, and pull a nailed down tam off.

I think there’s a lotion that can help CA with its crab infestation. ;)

The biggest NIMBY in history. It’s not like he didn’t try and get shot down by every congressman representing their state. It wasn’t even partisan, it was all, “Great, you’re shutting down GITMO. You want to move them where? No thank you.” The real issue isn’t even about location; it’s about charges and prisoner


Sunshine is a good movie.

I think it’s going to be baffling to people in a few hundred years that we weren’t repulsed by the idea of eating factory-farmed animal flesh, but were grossed out by this artificial meat.