
This is a weird one. Ran for six series, then had a four year break before returning for VII and VIII (which weren’t that great, but had their moments). Then a ten year break until we got Back to Earth (2009), which wasn’t a proper “series”, but it was pretty good. Then another three years and we got series X (2012),

If there's such a surplus, why hasn't the price dropped dramatically?

There is a paradox in the universe: scientists believe that there are millions more giant black holes in the universe than we know about, and yet, if they are there, how would they remain hidden? It turns out they do so by hiding in something almost unbelievably common.

I read no more Miller period. Martha Washington Goes to War was bad, Dark Knight II was way, way worse. I felt compelled to buy the anniversary compilation of Give Me Liberty because it had a few short comics in it I hadn’t read, but Miller’s own foreword where he pans his own younger self like a true reactionary

I’m going to start unfriending people that do this shit.

And soon they’ll announce their Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May show and become the best network.... in the world.

i don’t think the article is positioning the issue as “prisoners deserve facebook”. I think its more “Facebook claims to be transparent about government requests, so why are they hiding this and what else are they hiding?”

Hemp’n’Cannabis stalks is renewable too... and A LOT of people besides farmers want to grow it as well!! *wink wink nudge nudge* Hell, it could be so widespread-renewable that biomass pellet mills would buy it off people by the pounds from drive-ups bringing it all to them just like metal scrap yards!

I hope this comes to pass in the US, maybe this will give us the chance to nominate animals for public office. Some of whom im willing to bet will do a better job than our human counterparts

The unintended consequence is cannibalism is now legal if your humans are ethically slaughtered.

There are about 3 million people in New Zealand, and 60 million sheep. Lamb and mutton exports now significantly out-value wool. The Kiwis down there are slaughtering sentient beings for food.

Sounds like a “plan”.

Don’t be silly, those are a specialist male with a female cop, a specialist male with a female cop, and a specialist male with a female cop. They’re entirely different.

30 minutes? it takes me about 3 minutes to do Aeropress or a pourover in the morning.

I don't mind a cracked cheesecake. It gives it a little more "authenticity" and doesn't impact the taste. It sends the message, "Hey, I made this thing and didn't stoop to buying it at Safeway."

This movie is preposterous — in real life, The Rock would simply hold the two tectonic plates together with his bare hands.

Well, maybe you were joking but I’d say that in all seriousness The Passion of the Christ would have been a much better film if Mel Gibson had dialed back the Jesus torture-porn a dozen notches.

Never understood why it got an R rating. Plenty of blood and violence, sure, but I wouldn’t call any of it gory.

Sunshine? I think the portions that garnered the R rating were the worst parts of the movie.

He’s been in hiding for so long that the fake skin deteriorated.