
Amateurs! Rookies, the lot of you.

I worked for a major US electronics retailer which provided in-home services for computer repair. (see where I’m going with this?) I had worked there for over a year doing this job, and it was pretty crap, usually due to angry customers because they generally got screwed buying stuff from us.

We’re magic.

I have done IT support for business users, with the usual tales, but, BY FAR the most painful tech support calls I have ever done have been for family members and friends.

This guy begs to differ:

Agree, I find the list disappointing. Also Calling BS.

Truth. Whole lotta imperials, too, no?

I'm half Korean half Caucasian. I dealt with people like this growing up. My parents divorced so I moved a lot. When I was living mainland U.S. (Washington state), I was called a "gook" and a "chink". When I moved to Hawaii to live with my mom, I was called "haole (white) shit" by ironically enough, Koreans.

All that said, it's very common for many professionals in America to carry two phones. One's for work. One's for your personal stuff.

Awesome product! Early bird ordered the Pebble Time. Apple Watch be damned.

Yes, the GPS hardware is already there. People have figured out how to enter the car's diagnostics menus, and sure enough there is a GPS menu showing all the visible satellites, latitude, longitude, speed, orientation, etc. All that's missing is the software and map to turn it into a nav. There have been quite a few

Being unable to prevent it is not the same as being responsible for it.

How did this not make the list?

You've got 1 year from release to get it for free. After that, you buy it.

In related news, Congress orders NOAA to stop reporting science that is biased toward reality.

Once again, as a Shatnerist-Cthulhuian, I feel left out.