
Wow. And here in America we have a pesky thing called "regulation" to keep us from getting the gates of hell open despite having towns named after devils.

Sadly, while Samsung's hardware is top notch, their own Android shell is vastly inferior to other manufacturer specific shells because they're trying too hard to replicate Apple's one-button interface instead of just making it useful. I've always enjoyed Motorola's basic platform but ultimately I customize the sh*t

Just do it already. I am running a frankly ancient Nexus 4 and it bests my coworkers galaxy S4s and S5s and, by all rights, it shouldn't.

Lollipop ensured I'll never go back to iOS. Looks and performs so much better.

The appeals court was so literal in its interpretation of aircrafts that this ruling means you could literally get fined $10,000 for flying a paper airplane. There is such a thing as judicial discretion, and while the court cannot legislate, it can use common sense.

We are but motes in an owl's eyes.

Speed Racer (2008)

This fucking movie. Evans absolutely kills it, and the school scene is chilling. It's on Netflix, so go out and watch it!

/drops mic

The full area view is illuminating. Clearly a landing pad for the Millennium Falcon.

"I want one of these hot messes in my mouth right now." Me too! Wait, what are we talking about...?

It's a crazy looking airport.

Isn't this basically Iran's weapons program?

It's called "Battle Beyond the Stars", and it's awful in the best way possible.

Thankfully, maggots only eat rotten flesh.

Battle Beyond the Stars.

What an epic battle! The tarantula fought valiantly, but never stood a chance.