
Every picture, I was thinking, "Okay, surely that's the worst photo." Every subsequent picture, I was proved wrong.

Now playing

This puts me in mind of another show, more technology than science, but with a similar tone. The Secret Life Of Machines was the work of engineer and artist Tim Hunkin, a cross between Mr. Wizard and Doctor Who. The show had a wonderful ad libbed, home movie vibe. It was broadcast from 1988 to 1993 on Channel 4 in the

"Ferguson Police Will Finally Get the One Device They Really Need"

Honestly, no. The left has, if anything, moderated and the right has moved further right.

I have a fix, it's called learning to cook. I have no reason, ever, to eat kraft macaroni and cheese.

It was an absolutely horrible film, but when Aaliyah was onscreen, you could not take your eyes off of her. She had an amazing charisma.

Sci-Fi's version was pretty good.

as did every culture...

The real problem is that everyone involved cares more about their land and their pride than they do about human life.

Now and Then, Here and There

You left something out.

Totally unbelievable. What would Keaton know about playing an aging actor who hit the big time playing a superhero? LAME.

This guy ! i'll never forget the disappointment i felt that day

Greatest superhero origin story ever? The Doctor disagrees.

Our Sauron who art in Mordor,accursed be thy name.Thy kingdom come.Thy will be doneon Middle-Earth as it is in Barad-Dûr.Give us this day our daily Lembas bread,and punish us our trespasses,as we slay those who trespass against us,and lead us into temptation of the Ring,but deliver us unto evil.For thine are the

Or you can always go ...

Some people have a lot of dollars, but have no sense.

1) I would not be surprised if the Transformers world, where robots become more complex and expressive while humans become less so, ultimately evolves into the world of Wall-E.*