
My God man. That's inhuman. I think we should try other more kinder, gentler options like drone strikes or nukes, before we send Florida in.

Meanwhile, the USA is planning the largest coordinated cargo airdrop in human history.

A Michael Bay movie with Optimus Prime riding Grimlock is like a puddle of diarrhea with a slice of bacon in the middle.

Hmmmm. Trying to think of a positive spin on this...

Or, we could terraform ourselves to live on the worlds as they are...imagine altering our bodies so that we live via direct photosynthesis rather than matter ingestion. Or something like that.

Given the competition, the sensible answer should be zero.

The trick with Holden is that he's a *series* protagonist. We can't take him through his whole process in just one book. Who he is by the end may be someone you have more respect for.

They had the right actor for the Dresden Files TV show.


For the chance of experiencing a burning sphincter? Uh... no thanks :-)

And they wash down their grizzly meal with a nice refreshing glass of OranguTang(TM).

50. When confronted, a Tasmanian devil will often yawn at its tormentor as if pretending to be unbothered by the threat.

Here's the thing. Facebook doesn't care who you are, or what selfies you take, or what you're watching or listening to. Google doesn't either. And when I say "don't care" I mean it in the nosey neighbor sense, or the mom of a teenager sense. They are a marketing conduit. They want to understand what you are likely to

I'm not sure it's accurate to classify the reason people like Facebook as a poorly misunderstood need to communicate. Personally, I see its popularity as a perfect extension of Dunbar's theories on language and gossip as an evolution of social grooming. Essentially, because social grooming was necessary for group

It just seems amazing to me that we are doing this voluntarily, in the name of... I don't even know what to call it. Vanity? Neediness? Boredom?

First off, very cool.

How dare you write something INTELLIGENT and EVEN-HANDED. This is the Internet! you must either be an unabashed cheerleader for GMOs or think that they are the tool of Satan liable to poison you if you look at them!

Use 'em or lose 'em. Also, I think all the antimicrobial BS people have been using has helped the increase of Autoimmune diseases since their bodies had nothing to fight.