
I wouldn't necessarily use the word "bad." But certainly mediocre. I haven't seen the 48fps version - and don't intend to this time, either.... whenever I do get around to seeing it.

I used to be an adventurer like you...

If you build it, they will come.

people have a misconception with the whole ghost city thing. You have to realize that over half of the population is still rural living. As they modernize most of those people will need a place to live in the city. So if they wait until people want a city home, they will have what you see in Hong Kong or Beijing .

I am,

Sauron: I will unite the races of Middle Earth under my rule!

I disagree. Yes, the more-than-one-MacLeod angle was a bit confusing, but it became necessary when Lambert didn't want to take on the TV series. And while the first movie was grand and glorious fun, the television series is where all the real storytelling took place. It explored personal ethics, and how immortality

I would love a good Highlander movie. The first one is one of my favorite films. The rest of the movies have, for the most part, been godawful.

Just awful. Terrible acting, corny dialogue, unimaginative characters, no chemistry between the actors, poorly thought out and constructed world mythology and season story structure, horrendous direction, transparent plot twists, and a shameless attempt at riding on female empowerment and LBGT when, if anything, the

Lucas has great ideas, and that's a huge part of what I love about Star Wars. As far as a script writer and director...well...Episode I had neat concepts, but it lowered the bar pretty low, so J.J. should be able to make a better film. Perhaps it will have a different feel, but he is part of a new generation of fans

Carbon Based Lifeforms.
these are the only covers close enough to 'science themed' I have.

Is it still a chase if it takes 50 million years?


I think if you made a film about Toilet Sharks it would seriously scare the shit out of some people.

The only job machines would do better is politicians.

All of these are playing for second! Mac McDonald in the Fifth Element, hands down!