
It also concerns me that with the casting comparisons, they’ll be exposing a bunch of 10-12 year olds to the cesspool of HP “fans” being absolute horrible people to them.

I just feel like Moana is a product of the Rock saying, I only have a couple more years left in me to play this character, then I’m getting off the roids.

Was going to comment on that last part, because hyper training has made breeding for IVs mostly pointless. Specially in S/V since bottle caps are so easily acquired. Paradox pokemon can’t be caught in raids, but also can’t be bred. The number one reason to do these raids imo will be to stock up on items, granted, I

If anything, it’s extra mint. haha

Lol, I haven’t played the new game, but maybe now it’s a feature and not a loading screen.

Imagine raiding with Lance Reddick, and having the callouts come directly from Zavala himself. What a legend. He will be missed!

You could’ve warned us about the terrible blasting music as soon as the trailer starts. Also, I am dumber now for having watched that 44 seconds of nothing.

Toxtricity might be a good option also sans Miraidon. It will resist flying and grass, and only take normal damage from Ghost. Invest in HP and SP Attack EVs, or maybe spread some to Defense, and it can handle it. Overdrive can do good damage. I guess we will have to wait and see what the moveset will look like.

My only gripe with the current LFG is that when they shut down third party support to keep the game running, then the app gets shut down as well. Other than that, having the LFG on my phone app versus in game really isn’t that big of a deal.

Even if sales weren’t the same, the developers are being paid to have the game on game pass, so I guess the real question is, does it hurt their bottom line when you add in sales, plus game pass revenue.

If only they could’ve optimized Pokemon to look better. Man is that game rough looking. When the cutscenes come in and the framerates smooth out, it’s super jarring to go back to regular gameplay.

Counter argument, Minecraft has been available on all platforms despite MS buying them years ago. MS has also for a while been committed to releasing all of their first party games on both XBOX and PC day one, and Sony is just now getting around to releasing stuff a year after.

I fell for it because I looked at the title and I thought, oh man, this can’t be good, but turns out it’s hyperbole. 

Most unhinged is hyperbole. It’s at worst a big stretch to fit her narrative. Looking forward to MS finalizing this acquisition so I can stop seeing it pop up on the news everywhere and fanboys duking it out over what should or shouldn’t happen.

I was watching the 4k video and it made me think about how awesome it was to figure out the secondary objectives, and you really just had to go around and discover the levels and try it out. No markers, no obvious flashing lights, and yet the objectives were not frustrating to the point where you couldn’t figure out

I’m willing to give Spencer the benefit of the doubt, since it’s an ambiguous statement. I also think about the fact that developers get online abuse for the stupidest of reasons, and fake tough guys online try to make their lives miserable, and in spite of that, they release games to bring enjoyment to the majority

I’m an avid gamer, but never played TLOU, despite owning a PS3 (my last sony console) but I was interested in watching this show. I even got my wife to watch it with me. I actually wondered if that prelude was even in the game, and I can see how much better it probably is in comparison to the game (specially knowing

Haha, like they say, sometimes it’s better to be lucky than good. 

I run Shang Chi in my Leader deck, and I’m definitely well over 50% win rate on that. There have been several times that he saved my ass turn 6 too, but I can see how he would get thrown in a lot of random decks since people see it as a very useful card, but just because it’s not a well constructed deck, it ends up

Yeah, I don’t really get the issue with Leader, when he’s absolutely useless against a Patriot deck. I was running leader a bunch last month, and lost or retreated to 90% of matches against those. I finally got a Patriot, but don’t have Mystique, so it’s not quite as effective. You still have to play turns 1-5 very