
I heard about this last year when they started building it, and I had been excited about it for a while. The fact that the karts will only do 15mph though is a huge bummer. I am used to racing go karts that do over 40 indoors, and 50 outdoors, so despite the awesome looking track, it might not satisfy my racing bug.

It would be great if NBC also picked up The Mick, and then created a crossover event with AP Bio, so Glenn Howerton and Kaitlin Olson can insult each other, Sunny style.

I was so excited for Pikmin 3. When it came out, I beat it in about 2 days, and then never played it again. I would definitely go back to it on the switch.

The NBA admitted that they missed a foul against the Bucks on game 4 at the end also. A game that was much closer in the end than last night. Shit happens.

Damn, I wish I knew about that three years ago. Who cares about Champs Elysées when you have this many gaming stores next to each other.

Bath house anywhere?

I think what really adds to the Goldeneye records is the fact that they use the in-game clock to set the times, which counts in whole seconds, so you don’t have split second differences like you would in most other game records.

Hi Mike,

As a kid growing up in Brazil, we would use “Zerar” and “Virar” interchangeably when talking about beating a game. I wonder if that was a local thing for me (state of Goias) or if others around the country also used both terms. I’ve been living in the US for some time now, but my cousin recently introduced me to the

Any word on when Earthforce will be out on consoles?

I definitely wait a lot these days to play games, but I also don’t buy it right away, since there is inevitably going to be some sort of complete edition coming out at some point.

Come over, bring beers.

Wow, I am viewing this on my computer monitor at work and it’s already tremendous. It will look phenomenal on my tv at home. This makes me regret getting rid of my Xbox games when my wife said we have no room for them when we moved in...

The Best Buy program has definitely saved me money over the years. 20% discount for $30 every two years is certainly not insignificant. I buy about 10 full priced games a year now, so it saves me about $105 year, without taking into consideration the points I get on the reward zone.

I guess we will have to wait for E3 to see anything on the new Metroid.

That would never happen with Final Fantasy Exivy players.

We all know who needs to be in the fighting roster. The strongest fighter in the 7th universe.

Looks like FFXIV is gonna have to take a back seat on my PC this weekend. I love this game so much! I spent over a hundred hours playing it on my phone, which doesn’t have the best controls, but damn it if I wasn’t gonna beat this game in every platform it’s ever been available on.

Boucher’s system usually works for a year or two, and then everyone in the team realizes that they now hate playing, and it goes to shit.

Back on those days, you used to be able to go to Hollywood Video or Blockbuster and rent it out. That’s what I did.