
It really feels like a stretch to look at those and immediately link it to Gamer Gate, but since I’m on the outside looking in, it’s a lot harder to come to that conclusion. Having said that, I would think that anyone with common sense would come to the conclusion that the localization team would not be touching on a

Lol, someone will go there.

I can’t wait to play this game while no one else has a mic in my group. :p

Yes, you should get one that says: It’s dangerous to go alone.

Thanks, I don’t mind the subtitles.

I saw this and pre-ordered. I know I’m not supposed to pre-order games, but I think this is ok right? :)

Spoiler alert, Kratos redeems himself by sacrificing his life to save his son’s at some point in the game, then the mantle passes on, and his son is the new protagonist of God of War. No one will see this coming (meaning everyone will). I’m not saying this as a bad thing, I’m super excited to play this game.

I should probably get around to finishing RE:6 and Revelations 2 before this comes out.

Is the anime available in the US? Full disclosure, I did not bother to search anywhere because you guys are so nice. :)

When they started working on this game a year ago, they totally planned to have Leicester City as the first team being shown on this trailer.

I thought I read they weren’t gonna mention it, but I am not 100% on where I read it, and what it said. Chances are it was on here, but I can’t be bothered to look into that again. :)

Sony said they wouldn’t be showing or talking about Neo, but that they are working on it.

It’s worth if even if it’s only to do the Gwent tournament quest, which was pretty fun. You do however need to play quite a bit in order to be good enough to get in the tournament. At this point though, if you bought all of the cards from the vendors, you have a reasonably good enough deck, that you will be able to

I would imagine she's not related to Phara since she is Egyptian, and sombra means shadow in Portuguese and Spanish. They already have one character whose native language is Portuguese since Lúcio is Brazilian. Maybe there's a less obvious connection there.

This is in my top 3 FF games, so I will definitely have to get it. It is my favorite combat system, and I always wanted to play the Japan only zodiac job system, so this is great.

Tbh, I played very little of the Master System, basically the only game I played was Sonic, so I knew about it, but it wasn’t very memorable.

FFII is one of two FF regularly numbered games I never finished, the other being (please don’t hate me) VI, which I attempted to play several times, and at one point lost my PS1 memory card that had a 20+ hour save file in it. I may go back and play this game at some point. I know that I have to go back and finish VI,

If I manage to spend anytime at home, then I will be playing Overwatch. I need to get the new DLC for Witcher 3 though, that game is amazing.

Congrats! FFXIV was a time sink for me, so the babies will be doing a lot of watching. :)