
I just wanted to say that this article resonates with me so much, it is unbelievable. I was born in Brazil in 1985, and grew up watching F1. I was also 9 years old on that May 1st, which in Brazil is labor day. To say that Senna was my childhood idol would be an understatement. He was a hero to many in Brazil, and I

Now playing

I would put Rock’n roll racing in front of twisted metal any day.

I used several pictures of myself ranging from age 23 to now age 30, and they all came back with 27 as the result.

Based on the end of the video, that’s what I would think.

Man, I still have every bionicle set that got released in the first year that they came out. Afterwards I had to prioritize space and money for other stuff.

Ha, I guess it’s just what I like to call it because of the visuals. It is by far the hardest, because the screen doesn’t rotate all the time which gives you less time to see certain patterns. Once you hit that level, you are just trying to survive on it as long as possible, it doesn’t change anymore.

My best time on hardestest is 156:17 which I was pretty pumped about. My longest time is 376:42 on lowest difficulty, which of course ends up taking you all the way to the dark mode.

I bought the Xbox Live deal. I always fail to do it when I see it on sale, and then it ends up auto renewing at full price.

I bought the Xbox Live deal. I always fail to do it when I see it on sale, and then it ends up auto renewing at full

If only he could play well for the national team. I can’t bring myself to liking him because of all of the poor performances with the seleção.

I have to completely agree with everything said on here. I absolutely love this movie. I was glad that it came on Netflix, even though I own it on Blu-Ray, but it saves me from having to get up or switching discs.

OMG, I scrolled down too far, I didn’t want to see it. It is so painful.

The 2nd controller is nice, and the charging station. That GCU deal at $30 though is legit. 3 games in 2 years already covers it, not to mention the double reward zone points.

The 2nd controller is nice, and the charging station. That GCU deal at $30 though is legit. 3 games in 2 years

Hmm, I was considering picking up MKX, but I can’t support anything that has this terrible of a decision built into it.

Having options is not a waste in development dollars. When I find a good group of people to play with that use their mics, I add them as friends, and we play together. The only reason why I can do that, is because I have the option to. You can’t arbitrarily decide for other people what should or shouldn’t work.

I find it super aggravating when I go play an online game that requires cooperation, and the majority of people don’t use mics, or are in group chat with the one other person they are playing it. I understand the swearing and annoying people argument, but that’s why you make an easy mute option.

I haven’t played any of the souls games up to this point. Can I just pick this one up and play or will I be missing a ton of back story. AFAIK this game is more about the brutal combat than any storyline.

Deadline for voting is 10/3/15. We won’t see any of these characters till next year. :(

I think it's exciting to see Ferrari back in form. Kimi drove a superb race. I would think he would've finished in the podium, if it wasn't for the most untimely tire puncture in one of the longest tracks in F1.

I just turned 30 last month, and honestly, I haven't noticed much of a change other than maybe on tinder, I look at the 22 year olds and I wonder if I would even be able to have a good conversation with them. I went out with a few different girls under 25, and mostly had fun, but nothing came of it. I think tinder is