
It's true, we've heard that song hundreds of times, and we have it ingrained in our heads. She heard it once, and made a great arrangement of it. I have to say, this girl is unbelievably talented. I can't even dream of being able to play the piano at that level. What little I do play, it's fun and for my own

Man, 11 hours to finish FF and 23 to finish FF2. I imagine FF3 will take considerably longer because as I recall, the last dungeon is a pain to do under leveled, but then again, these guys are using different strategies.

"Somebody needs to throw a flag on this play. "

I absolutely adore Theathrythm. I also really like all of the FF music, having been to two of the Distant Worlds concert and going to my third in April next year. I just wanna unlock Sephiroth soon. Curtain Call blew the original out of the water. 221 songs on the cartridge plus DLC, and no more having to unequip

No one can say anything nice without somebody else being a downer, and calling it hyperbole.

I would love a remastered version of Jade Empire, and have it come before a full fledged sequel. Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 on Wii U would be great, as well as Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. Those games would look gorgeous in HD. My gosh, the Wii would have probably remained relevant longer if it at least output

I am sort of opposite in the sense that each time more news and videos are shown, I get more and more excited about it. I think people had their doubts about the combat system in FFXII, but I actually love it so much, it places FFXII in my top three FF games. I can't wait to see what it will actually be like. Yeah,

Thanks for this Kirk. As I read it, a lot of the story started coming back to me from DA: Origins. I never played the 2nd game, so I will go through the app before I start playing Inquisition. I also remembered that I had Morrigan get pregnant with the demon baby at the end of Origins, (even though Leliana was my

I got all of the achievements prior to DLC. I had to play through it a couple times in order to get the get saved less than 100 times one. Finding every orb was kind of fun, and the combo ones were the best. Getting the longest combo possible was always fun.

The PC HD upgrade makes it a lot nicer. The sprites are still blocky as always, but they look crisp. The battles which are fully 3d rendered, look a lot better than the original release. If you can get that version, then it doesn't look as aged.

I think that's a crazy question. Tons of people love FFIX, myself included. :)

In the ending of the original content, the Prince brings her back to life, which resurrected the Ahriman. The last scene shows the Prince carrying Elika away from the palace as it crumbles and darkness consumes the land. That's the last thing I saw.

Game ended with a huge cliffhanger at first. The DLC brought some closure, but I never felt like the game was incomplete. I just thought that they were setting up a sequel. I never ended up playing the DLC so I don't even really know how everything worked out after.

That will be amazing, since I am also on the same boat as hauptj2. I just never got around to playing the second one, despite having enjoyed the first game a lot. It has been a while since I played it so a refresher will be great, and I am definitely picking up Inquisition.

I guess this means I need to beat AC:IV soon...

I can't imagine that a computer in that price range can really run GTA V in 4k and high fps.

I was so excited for the Evolve big alpha. I downloaded the game as soon as I could, then proceeded to go find a match. The game didn't match me in a single game even though it searched for 16 hours straight. I didn't even play a single match.

It was great to watch this and know what they were talking about. I am getting super excited for this game.

That's how you save the game.

It's amazing to see how incredible this game looks, and how much of it we've been able to see recently after years of absolutely nothing.