
I kind of bought Zone of the Enders so that I could play the MGS2 demo that came bundled with it. It turned out to be a fantastic game on its own. I have kind of fallen out of love with the MGS franchise, but maybe MGSV will get me back in, but I don't think I will be dropping the $30 to get this demo that doesn't

SOTN is such a fantastic game. I know that the writing is cheesy, blah, blah, blah, but playing that game always felt perfect. All of the handheld Castlevania games were also pretty good, if not great. I played just about all of them. Certainly if Iga decides to come up with a spiritual successor, or a game that has

At first that bar graph made little sense, but then I noticed that they are separating the totals from handheld and home consoles. They should probably not have them on the same chart without a clear explanation.

Right, in essence, Metroid and Zelda are already doing that, by making new areas accessible with certain items. In the Mario case, you would just be unlocking them through progression, but as with Mario 64, you don't need to unlock every star to beat the game.

Just today I was thinking that maybe the next Mario Game will go back to the hub world style of Mario 64/Sunshine. I think that would be good, but I would also love to see almost like an open world Mario, where the levels are just little sections of the world, and you expand the playable area by collecting more stars.

Man, I guess I should have read all the posts before posting this same thing as well.

This deserves to win so badly. It is an amazing reference.

Quick note is that unlike the Olympics which are typically held in one city, the World Cup nation has teams set up all over the country. While Rio will be hosting several matches and the World Cup Finals, it is not the only place in which football will be played.

Case in point, the MT in my static group was a WoW player, (as was I) however since he doesn't have mods telling him what to do in raids, we constantly have to remind him on things that need to be done. It is pretty awful.

The first time I crushed someone with a titan, it was amazing. I was fighting a pilot, and he jumped through a window to go outside and called down his Titan. When it finally landed and as he was loading on, I called mine with the quick drop kit and took him out. He didn't even get to use his titan at all. It was

Yesterday I was thinking to myself how the Launch of Titanfall was perfectly smooth since I got the game, installed it and proceeded to play it with no issues. Then I texted my buddy to see if he was gonna log on and he told me about his issues. I guess it didn't affect everyone.

You can also try a VPN service like Pingzapper or WTFast and see if it fixes it. They both offer free trials. I was using WTFast for FFXIV for a while and it made a difference.

That's "assinine"!

I think that something like the google glasses might be able to accomplish both of these goals.

OMG, this game looks like the worst piece of crap I've ever seen...

I am stocked for Destiny. It looks amazing. Titanfall also looks fantastic, and I am sure that whatever Halo game comes out, will probably be great as well. (Full disclosure: Loved Halo 4) In any case, in terms of FPS, Titanfall will hold me over till Destiny comes out.

Just a quick heads up that the official language of Brazil is Portuguese. Someone probably already pointed it out.

There are a couple of lower capacity ones at pretty decent prices on there as well.

Newegg is selling a 750Gb SSD for $350 this weekend. It is the Samsung 840 EVO. it normally goes for $529.

That's great to hear. I've been using a wired mouse, but I am tired of recharging and the batteries always seem to start dying when I am in the middle of something important.