
I bought Dishonored off that sale earlier today. Can't beat the 12.99 price, even if it's used.

Definitely my most anticipated game of the year. I am completely serious about that statement.

Well, i am thinking since Lightning Returns is coming out next year, and the title of the game is Final Fantasy XV, they are going to release it in 2015, which is a long ways away, and it will mean 9 years between announcement of Versus XIII, and the release of the actual game. Of course, this is all just speculation,

At the very least though, FF XII has a widescreen mode. I remember when I was playing through it, I acquired a PS3 and a HDTV, and continued paying FFXII on that. I don't remember it looking that terrible, and the widescreen mode helped, but then again, it has been about 6 years, so I could be having nostalgia memory.

Might be my favorite in the series, mainly because of the battle system. It is wonderful.

There were some characters that were really slowed down in Brawl. Samus and Link were two very noticeable. The whole game felt slower in general though.

I dislike all of the PS3 designs, but the PS4 looks very nice.

Free Hat!

Wii U certainly made strides towards a better online world, and Mii Verse is the living proof that Nintendo at least has their eyes in the right area. I think that it can only get better from here on out. I already find the community on Wii U to be better to deal with than Xbox Live. I don't go on PSN to really know

Yeah, I definitely understand why they would use a South American team, I just thought that given Neymar's departure, Santos was an odd choice to showcase. I would have much preferred it be my beloved São Paulo, but other than the Copa Sudamericana title last year, they haven't done much recently, and they also sold

Recently I've been remembering to bring my 3DS to places where I might get a hit. I was so mad when I went to the Zelda concert last year and didn't bring it with me. There were literally hundreds of them around.

Right, but last year the Club World Cup was Corinthians and Chelsea.

I remember the Brazilian national team from 2002 when they had Ronaldo, and Roberto Carlos and their names were a couple of letters off. Maybe it's in my head or something, but regardless, fun game nonetheless.

Yeah, that's correct. The kid that reminds you of Neymar is because the two of them were always using the same hair style.

I'm aware of Copa Libertadores because I'm from Brazil. Corinthians won it last year, as well as the Club World Cup so by that standard, they should have been the ones in the video.

I used to only play PES over FIFA. Haven't been getting it recently. I remember back when they had nlip layer licenses and they all had similar appearance and names.

All of them apparently. haha

It's kind of funny that they featured Santos FC in the trailer. The one reason why you would do that is because Neymar used to play there, but he just signed with Barcelona, so this video was a couple weeks too late coming out. There are certainly better teams in Brazil, specially now that Neymar is gone.

I don't think that it's that surprising. We are in a shell of the entire population. There are so many different demographics that don't even know that Kotaku exists, but can still be genuinely excited about the Xbox One. I think that it is naive to assume that because a lot of people on this site, and the video game

Should be a great game, like the predecessors. I just know that with the amount of stuff that they cram into these games, this one is probably still a ways off, considering it was just announced.