
I looked up info on Monster Power which I had yet to enable. I am gonna try to play Inferno with MP at lvl 1, and see how it goes.

Christian Bale asked Nolan if he could direct a movie with him in it that didn't require him to talk like he was taking a dump through half of his lines. It turned out to be a great film.

Does gear check really become a huge issue later on in the game? I just finished Hell difficulty and have soloed all the way through with my monk, and never purchased anything from AH, real money or otherwise. I seem to get good enough drops, with the exception of rings and amulets, which are very hard to come by. The

I looked at the gif, my attack was raised, my speed was raised.

I wanna fire this game back up now. I have over 70 hours on the iOS version. Wouldn't mind just going around and maxing out some of my jobs and make Ramza the ultimate of all bad asses.

I hope Sexual Harassment Panda is a summonable monster.

This is the first I am hearing of this so they lost me a while back too. I assumed that since each dungeon had a regular and "heroic" (whatever the actual name was) version, that I should have been able to clear the dungeon at the levels they become available. I made it to level 45ish, probably close to 50 I think

Since I never played the original Fable, it is not a bad deal for me. I will definitely pick this up. I enjoyed Fable II, and Fable III was so short, I am not sure how much I really enjoyed it.

I share the same sentiment as far as the lack of trinity. I found it to be an issue rather than a solution. No one had enough healing, and when I started doing dungeon bosses, the strategy literally was die and run back in before everyone else was dead. Tanking is ineffective, and there didn't seem to be a good way to

This is honestly my most anticipated game of this year, and we keep having to deal with delays. I suppose that as long as the end product is great, I won't mind.

Well, I went back and checked and can't find it either. Maybe the first time that it popped up for me, I put my age and then it never asked again. It has been a while so now I am not sure.

If you edit your date of birth on your profile, then it will save it and you won't have to input it each time.

Did they punt on 3 & 11?

I sort of came to that realization while in my first semester of game design class. I have since switched school and major, because I was afraid that if I could not break in to the video game industry, I would be stuck with a huge student loan and a degree that would not help me get work anywhere else. I am not

It was played in the theaters before Wreck It Ralph.

Anyone who has taken a statistics class would know that this survey is not a good representative of the general population.

I also have AT&T and like you, have had no issues with it. Quite the contrary, they have given me early upgrades and always helped out when I needed. I don't have signal issues and 4g LTE speed is great.

You could have a gamefly app on the system that has your account linked to it. The system would know what game you currently have rented out for gamefly, and will allow you to play that game without activation until you return it. That way, there would never be anything extra the user would need to do, so no one would

"GameStop president Tony Bartel even said that news of this restriction on used games came as a surprise to him." Has this guy been living under a rock? The used games restriction rumor has been going around for quite some time.

Oh shit, what are the odds that the closest Best Buy to my house would be one of the ones holding the event? (apparently not bad) I am pumped.