
To be fair, Mike did say he had no real issues and is reporting on other people's experiences based on forums and other websites.

Tyler Perry will actually play all of the characters in the film.

I understand but it was distractingly bad to the point where I almost turned the movie off.

I saw a lot of Chrono Cross love below, but CT deserves a mention for Kingdom of Zeal.

Was the Protector the one with the elephant? Because if that's the one, that plot was horrible at best. The fights scenes however, were very enjoyable.

That's impossible!

I pretty much agree with everything, because that's basically what I do. I play some freemium games if they are fun enough, but I don't go spending a ton of money on them, if any. I have no issues buying additional content to play, but I hate the concept of pay 2 win, so if it's another level, or more of the game,

Damn, how am I supposed to play all of these games, work 50 hours a week and do my school work? I know, I will quit my job and school, and then deal with the consequences later.

I was searching through the comments before I posted something about Mirror's Edge but you did it for me :)

What I want is to have a portal next to my couch so I can take a piss and it will fall in my toilet.

I think that is a throw away statement. The first time I cared about a character was when Crono "died" in Chrono Trigger. I was just learning English at the time and I couldn't believe that had just happened. I just knew within me that there had to be a way to go save him. When I talked to Gaspar at the End of Time, I

Calculator? I thought they were called Arithmetician...

Sorry Ubisoft, still mad about Rayman...

I haven't played a proper JRPG for a long time now and when I think about it, that is terrible, considering I would eat through every JRPG I could get my hands on the SNES. I learned English just so I could enjoy those games to their fullest extent and yet, I find myself not chasing after them these days. I am

It has recently become more and more nonsensical. When I speak with my family on facebook, I try to keep it to a single rs, or the occasional kkkk, but some of my younger cousins are all like shuahfudhsufdshaufldshaul and I have no idea wtf that is supposed to be. I mean, I haven't lived in Brazil for 13 years, but

Isn't that the resolution Asian people see in?

I think that a lot of it was also to pander to WoW players, much more so than console players. WoW has the achievements, it took away the skill point distribution, the need to level up your weapon skills, simplified the skill trees to the point where everyone ran with same thing. I would blame WoW much more than I

You need the wireless connection to go from the system to the 3DS, just like the PS3 version which also must be connected with a wire.

Season passes: the best way to make you pay $80 for your $60 games.

2300 isn't all that late. :)