The 1st season of that show is about as good as TV will get. Too bad it went downhill from there. Although I still liked it enough to keep watching. I wish the audience hadn't gone away and made the high budget impossible to maintain.
The 1st season of that show is about as good as TV will get. Too bad it went downhill from there. Although I still liked it enough to keep watching. I wish the audience hadn't gone away and made the high budget impossible to maintain.
Right, that's why I mentioned that on my last comment, in which case, I am sorry I didn't get it right away.
Well, peek means taking a look. While peak means the top of something and pique means to excite or arouse. They all sound the same and have different meanings. Now, maybe you used peek as a pun because he likes to peek at girls underpants or something.
Funny thing about Agron is that her previous big time TV show appearance was in the show Heroes, and she was also a cheerleader, however, a very dead cheerleader when Sylar got to her.
"Piques" your interest. Boom, #grammarnazi
He had a sick punt that bounced at the 1 yard line and they brought it down. Just sucked that because of the special teams beatdown that they delivered Detroit, Kyle Rudolph did nothing for my fantasy team.
Gotcha, thank you for the info.
What the hell is facebook for everyone?
If I were Belichick, I would say: you guys fined me 50k for criticizing the refs that you replaced the day after giving me that fine because they were incompetent. That seems to make a lot of sense to me.
That's good to hear, I have a few friends that are still playing the ga,e so I wouldn't mind continuing playing it. I just won't invest the time that I used to on WoW, but those were the days of weekly raiding and making sure I was top hunter in the guild as to not lose my raid spot.
It has taken WoW a few times, FFXI, FFXIV, SWTOR, EQ II, Perfect World and now most recently GWII, but I think I am over my want to play MMO's. Maybe something will change this down the line, but right now I am very content in just playing Borderlands 2 and am very much looking forward to a lot of the games coming out…
1st time I had a problem with GW2 was doing the game's 1st dungeon. That was the 1st time I really missed having a tank and a healer.
Secret of Evermore was such an awesome game. I loved running around with my dog and watch as he would change depending in what area of the game I was in. Such a great game. I don't remember many details, but I remember playing that game for hours.
Nah, but that could be a good fight. Maybe someone should make a PC only brawler like SSB and then have all sorts of MMO people fighting each other. I also have to wonder that WoW Monk won't ever be as cool as FFXI Monk, but that's just my personal opinion.
I have both MoP and GW II ads on this page!
I thought Bad Hotel was entertaining. It was different enough that I was glad I tried it out. Having said that, the controls probably couldn't be any worse, specially considering some of the harder lvls later on. Unlike most other tower defense games, you can't pause it to strategically place your units, and because…
If the (original) PS3 was stacked on top or below another electronic, I'm pretty sure it would catch on fire. If it's hot in my house, that thing sounds like it's going to take off to the moon.
On disc DLC...
Just started playing the game last night and already having a lot of fun. What made you guys decide to go with all new characters, albeit with similar characteristics as opposed to using the same cast from the original?
Huge F1 fan here. I guess I read the article after it had been corrected because it says Eau Rouge. I would probably give my left nut away if it allowed me to drive an F1 car at Spa.