
I mostly enjoy the recommendations from Kotaku on GAOTD and this one looks pretty good, but Fart Cat was only funny for about 10 seconds. Super Hexagon on the other hand, is a great game that I think everyone should try. Brutally difficult and yet so simple and accessible.

You can't use your personal experience with the RROD and assume that it was what happened to everyone else. I tried the towel trick, let it sit for a couple of days without touching it and yet, it never came back to life. Also, he is referring to the PS3 version of Dead Island, not sure if you are as well.

I am just excited about being able to replay ZOE and since I never played the 2nd one, this will be perfect.

I would like to know how the sleep experiment went.

Even if this indeed end up happening, I really doubt it will be around next gen. This is a leap well beyond the capabilities of the Kinect, and even that doesn't really work that well sometimes.

I tried reading your comment but I can't understand the language you wrote it in. I think it makes too much sense for humans to fully grasp. You sir, are an advanced being.

Really seems like every MMORPG these days is running into trouble, unless they go the F2P route. I would gather that the era of subscription based MMOs will die once WoW goes away, and it's unlikely any other MMOs will be able to bring it back.

I'm Brazilian, but yeah, you get the reference.

I have been playing the game a bunch and I've managed a 67 second score. I totally agree that when you play the game on harder levels, it almost feels like time slows down when you go back to "easy" mode. One of the things that I noticed is that the game does not have an infinite number of patterns that it will throw

My neighbor is a wonderful person, I don't have a garage but she always lets me park in hers. I get to go in and out whenever I want. It's a tight squeeze but I manage. Best thing is, when the front garage is unavailable, she's got one in the rear too.

I just remember my guild runs going far smoother than the PUGs. Lots of people with PVP gear that just made the heroic cap but it wasn't the end of the world. Just had to make sure to explain boss fights to a lot of peeps.

When Cata was 1st released, people would wipe all the time on HMs.

It's like my zipper goes down by itself every time I see a picture of her. lol

It's taken me a number of years living here but I finally enjoy American Football.

You sir deserve a twitter follower for being so awesomely sarcastic.

These dates have been announced for a while as a lot of you probably know. I am just pumped that I purchased my tickets for the Boston concert. It has been a long wait.

Mirror's Edge.

Right, it mimicked Advent Children too much. I think if this is going anywhere it needs to have its own appeal.

I know that. It would have been nice if that was the iPhone 5. I know I am nitpicking, and it's not really a big deal what they call the phone, as long as it is a quality product. It's only my personal opinion.

I don't like the fact that it will be called iPhone 5. One because it will come out with iOS 6 and 2 because it's the 6th generation iPhone so it should be the iPhone 6.