
I kind of hoped that someone would release a remade version of the SNES kind of how they did with the NES after the Nintendo patent expired, that way I could get one that still played original cartridges, but it has never happened. I can only hope though.

While I can see where you are coming from, I don't find it to be a terrible thing. It is true that everything nowadays is hype though. By the time a game comes out, you can never be surprised, or amazed by it because you've already watched 72 hours worth of gameplay. I think that was the reason why Batman AA was so

You and me both.

I was going to bring up Final Fantasy Mystic quest but I noticed you mentioned it briefly. I played that game for a while, and I really liked the fact that it didn't have random battles. And then, I remember I got stuck in this one dungeon that didn't have monsters walking around, but battles were triggered if you

Easily over 500, as I had a couple of cards that at the time were worth near 100 bucks by themselves, but what's important is that I got the cards back and hopefully that kid learned his lesson.

Exactly, I started reading this and I was like, wait, I thought this was supposed to be a bad game. I don't know what is happening in this world anymore.

About 8 year ago I was teaching a YMCA after school program for kids playing Yu-Gi-Oh. It was a sweet deal because not only I was making extra money, I would go and teach kids how to properly play, and not just watch the dumb cartoon and think they knew what they were doing.

Several people pointed out that the game takes place in São Paulo, however the article hasn't been corrected. This is kind of a big deal. That's like mistaking New York City with Miami. Rio, like Miami, is set on the coast and has much more of a party atmosphere. São Paulo is more of a huge metropolis and is the 2nd

Thx for posting this, I almost shit a brick when I saw that.

Gotcha, I was intrigued by the idea since I have a good amount of friends playing Eve so I thought it would be interesting to play that while they were online. But I am not going to play a subpar game just because of a novel idea.

If the price drops and the games are right, I can see myself getting one in the future, but as it is, I barely have time to finish the games I already have. If I can be compelled to play a game that I can't experience anywhere else, then I will certainly get it because I am a gamer and I don't pass up great games

Dude, I see the sarcasm and I get it. I understand all of those games are either available or coming out, but let's revisit some of these. Uncharted and Resistance haven't been very well reviewed, God of War and Assassin's creed will probably eventually get released on PS3, Call of Duty and Madden are the same game on

I sure hope that Sony plans on having more than one game to save the system. Outside of Monster Hunter and Dragon Quest in Japan, there aren't many games that can single handedly have a significant impact on a system's sales number.

Well, the article suggest that no price drop anytime soon, so who knows. Either way, I am not getting one.

Yeah, it's not even the saves I am worried about since I could back those up to the cloud. It's having to redownloaded all sorts of DLC that would piss me off. I will see if I get a new system, but I have to make sure that I have enough for the Wii U.

Really? Is there a non disclosure or are you able to elaborate on this?

Oh, sweet, thx for the tip. I was thinking about getting the Halo 4 360 and this was one of the things that was really me think otherwise.

I would also argue that being able to play handheld games at home is a blessing. Now, I am pretty lucky and happen to have 3 TVs at my house, however only two of them are connected to cable and sometimes, my girlfriend will be watching some crap on MTV and her son will be watching Spongebob. I like being around them

My Xbox 360 has never left the horizontal position, however basically every new game that I put in it, will get a very thin, perfectly round scratch on it that occasionally causes the disc can't be read error. It is super annoying but at this point in the cycle I am not dropping another 300 bucks on a new xbox

Well sir (Ma'am?), it seems that you are very easy to please. :p