
Really? Because FFXIII's main character is perfectly appropriate in both her measurements and dress code.

It's not rape if you yell surprise. No one will see this anyway :p

I think that JRPGs are no more guilty of bad art design with the female gender than any other genres.

As far as I've read, the 3d effects on the 3DS XL are much improved. Also, it is clear that certain games work way better with the 3d then others. I hate 3d in Ocarina of Time, but love it in Kid Icarus and Mario 3d land.

What if before any aliens ever make it here, we end up somewhere with intelligent life and we are the ones invading their planets?

It's a crutch as in a hindrance. Like walking on crutches. I have tried before but probably not hard enough when Battlefield 3 came out.

I think that consumers need to say no with our wallets before prices of games get completely out of hand. I really already believe that 60 bucks a pop is well over priced. 50 was kind of a sweet spot that I fear we will never go back to, since even PC games have been adopting the 59.99 price tag as we saw with Diablo

Hopefully planet side will support it since I am looking forward to playing it. Otherwise, I will gut it out.

FPS on PC is my crutch, can't play with mouse and keyboard.

I would say it only makes it better that you have an audience.

Mass Effect 3 is an incredible game. Some pissed of gamers poured hate on the internet about the ending of the game, it doesn't make the journey there any less incredible.

Vampire Lord works just like the werewolf where you trigger the transformation and are put into 3rd person until you return to human form.

My cock is lost in the jungle and it's up to you to find it...

Shit, I have to rebuild all of my galactic readiness back up.

My WoW days are over, but this expansion seems pretty cool. You can catch and battle pokemon, and monks are pretty sweet. But, not enough for me to get back into it.

I haven't finished heartgold and never picked up black or white so I never knew about this. It makes it a little better, but I essentially did it the hard way for my old team which I put a lot of work into. Tyranossaur, Blissey, Rhyperior, Aerodactyl, Dusknoir and Porygon Z. I sort of lucked out with a ditto with high

That's due to one of Rhyperior's abilities (Solid Rock) and has nothing to do with his EV spread.

You can't exactly IV train since those are predetermined stats when either you encounter the pokemon in the wild, or when the egg gets picked up. In the case of wild pokemon, all IVs are random, in the case of bred pokemon, the new pokemon inherits two random IVs from each parent and the remaining two stats are

I am perfectly ok with EVs, I just wish that it was information that the game would give you and not something you have to research outside in order to take full advantage of. What I really don't care for though is IVs, because breeding for specific nature is already a pain in the ass, having to also get lucky that

Assuming you live outside their culture, of course you don't understand. My ex wife didn't understand my culture because she is not where I'm from and there were things that bothered her because she just wasn't used to them. Regardless, what is insensitive to some, is no more than normal to others.