
I think the plot of the second movie is what might be the huge draw to see the movie right away. TDK ended in a major cliffhanger, no one will want that movie spoiled. At least, no one who is a fan. That is where I am getting my theory from, and I am not taking anything away from the Avengers because that movie is

Really? If anything, Anne Hathaway makes me more interested in it. Still, I understand that Avengers might have more broad appeal than TDKR, but if anything has the potential, then its this.

I hadn't thought about the 3-D surcharge, but I still think that TDKR has the potential to outdo the Avengers. But the Avengers was awesome and was worth every dollar of the IMAX ticket I paid.

[GoT Spoiler]

Basically Hiro Nakamura from Heroes.

That was such an awesome moment

I imagine this record will stand for a little over two months. Then Dark Knight Rises will come out.

I am pumped for this game. It looks really great.

Maybe they were elderly plush toys.

"Orange you glad I trained you?"

Thank you for the suggestions. I am going to check out High School of the Dead as I am into the whole zombie thing and was mostly disappointed by the Walking Dead.

Oh, I loved Ghost in the Shell the movie but never watched the series. I just beat Deus Ex: HR last week. It is an incredible game.

Thank you for the suggestions. I think I will put High School of the Dead on top of the list since I just finished Walking Dead and other than a couple of episodes, was mostly disappointed by the second season.

I started rewatching Street Fighter II: V on Netflix and I hadn't seen it for a long time. I forgot how straight up incredible baller status Ken is. I mean, 20k/night room in Hong Kong? That's some crazy shit. In any case, one thing I noticed that I don't remember from before is that just about every episode, if not

Just be careful cuz doing this mission will trigger the final events of the game and you will not be able to go anywhere else but the final mission after you are done. You will however be able to do one final round in your ship and talk to everyone, which I really recommend for some awesome conversations.

Yeah, I only saw the screenshots. Thx for the headsup.

THe Hulk isn't featured on the table like everyone else. Unless I am blind or missed something.

Yeah, probably will be the case.

If they were doing that, they wouldn't be making an MMO.

I suppose that GW2 will be the real measuring stick for a huge MMO that doesn't have monthly fees and isn't Pay2Win. I am crossing my fingers, but I am not betting on anything yet.