I don't think Friday the 13th counts since it can happen several times in a year.
I don't think Friday the 13th counts since it can happen several times in a year.
It is obvious that Capcom needs some help and I know just who can give it to them.
Thx for the tip, I will definitely keep that in mind. I wanted to do it in co-op because I assume that a good human player will be better than the AI any day.
Thx for the input. AC Revelations might take the back burner after all. Gears 3 will depend on me finding other people to play with. Skyrim I can always go back to but I do want to finish Deus Ex soon and I have been itching to play Batman forever so those two will probably go 1st.
Well, I am playing on a console and I have put in 80 hours on it and am lvl 54. I would hope I am at least halfway done with it.
Oh man, I just realized how awesome for my street pass it would have been if I had gone to Pax East and brought my 3DS with me.
That was the one I was leaning heaviest towards anyway, although I might finish Deus Ex just so I know it is done.
Yeah, I will need to find some people that don't suck to play with me. lol
Ok so I just beat ME3 and it is time for me to tackle my backlog of games. I am already half way with Deus Ex 3 and Skyrim but I also have Batman AC, AC Revelations and I would like to do Gears 3 on Insanity in 4 player Co-op. Which game should I go with 1st?
I think it was mostly due to the xbox being first console with a built in HDD which I am sure inflated the cost of production. They had to sell the console at a loss and thus were never able to recoup the costs on hardware. But I didn't mind getting the 360 when it came out, however, it wasn't till Elder Scrolls IV…
Haha, this was a reference to Anchorman which is one of my favorite comedies ever.
I think also this infographic shows how short the original Xbox cycle was in comparison to other consoles. I think I only owned an xbox for 2 (maybe 3) years before I got the 360 at launch.
Yes, if she says no I am gonna have to start inviting everyone else.
Dang, the website is blocked at my work...
Idk, I don't have a ton of time but I've been 50 since february. I only play one char though so that probably helps. I feel bad for my buddies that have all been playing since launch but aren't 50 but in the end, free is free. I doubt they even needed to do that. Maybe it's because they felt that people who are at 50…
I want to invite this girl to a pants party.
A massive 100" tv on top of that fireplace(?) would be sweet.
What's the over and under for the number of fanboy threads this post will have?
But that's exactly what the conduit alluded to. You will rebuild them and chaos will come again. Eventually we would be in the same spot, though admittedly it would take generations before synthetics rose to power and probably many more before they were anywhere like the reapers. I am going to go back with my save…
Haha, hey, I m glad that it is happening and I was also skeptical back then. This kid was just saying that it was technically impossible and that he worked in game development and knew what he was talking about. I am not losing sleep over it, I just think that it's great that I will be able to use Kinect with Skyrim.