People do try, but it's an uphill battle. Went home to St. Louis for a week, gained 20 lb.
People do try, but it's an uphill battle. Went home to St. Louis for a week, gained 20 lb.
before you, I would have written thermosry, without the 2nd "e", but thermosery sounds infinitely better, kudos.
Waffle House: that's some serious LSD shit right there. But if you are so far gone to forget plates of eggs go with other foods for breakfast, it's rather astounding he would be upright and able to perambulate.
I think maybe us westerners need to stop waging comment wars with MRAs who are cowering idiots, and remember feminism for much of the world is still a matter of life and death. Rigid gender roles, and lack of economic and reproductive freedom lead directly to this. Spread that word and block the distracting rhetoric…
decent satire on youths lost to ISIS. I neither get being offended, nor thinking it was lol funny. It was wry, and poignant. Not for the faint of brain, but also not so deeply edgy to warrant bunched panties. Probably a success since it got a big reaction.
To be fair, guys never come off good in fictions about abortions. They are either overbearingly pushy for or against, or portrayed as malignantly uncaring. Rarely are women portrayed that well either, but just sayin'.
Had an abortion after fumbly oopsie one night stand with nice guy at far away college of friend I was visiting. He never did and never will know. My body, one night, 19 years old, no way I'm trying to find out if he was going to have some emotional objection. He didn't call to find out how his sperm was doing, so the…
If you are being scientific about it, then you are not frivolous, good on you. Just the silliness of some women being afraid they weigh a half pound more because of shoes and someone will wonder men sometimes roll their eyes. It just plays into stereotypes that make me crazy. We all weigh roughly something,…
I have the opposite mystification. What the hell does it matter how much your clothes and shoes weigh, unless you are trying for a wrestling class? Even women who are fairly heavy like me will take off their shoes. Oh, yeah, those 30 lb shoes are why I weigh 180. Jeez, I'm fat, minus 1 lb of clothes, I'm still fat.…
Urge, there are a million names for coffees done a million ways, and not being much of a coffee drinker, I am a bit meek when I try to order a coffee with milk (latte, cappuccino? I forget) it isn't so hard to know what you don't know and ask the people who do know to help, instead of telling them their job.
Um, you were 11, and understandably naive. You accepted you may be wrong. Adult lady insists she is right about Irish Coffee though she isn't a bartender and only bothers to learn what she reads on the Nescafé. She still thinks she is, and will always be right, no matter what anyone says. That is her crime, not her…
Hahahahahahaha, no. Some of us worked at lower paying no tip jobs because we see people. We don't like what we see. After college, get STEM job. No servicing required.
Wat? There is no "alcoholic" Irish coffee. There is only non-alcoholic Irish coffee which is, in fact, coffee. Stop redefining things cuz of what you read on tub o' coffee.
I was going to have my cereal in a bowl, but now I see the folly of my ways. I guess I'll have soup...
I have a friend who has told me she doesn't like meat, and doesn't like veggies (she actually does know what meat is, though.) I've seen her eat a super plain salad and bread. Maybe that's all she eats? Not sure how she is alive.
You know you create monsters out of us non-servers. Now I just want to ask in every restaurant about every dish if it tastes like ham.
And yet, millions of readers. And moviegoers. Do not get.
I just will never get, when romance novels have been around forever and porn is ubiquitous, why oh why this phenomenon? Cougars, it's ok to watch porn, even BDSM porn. Go ahead, save yourself lots (and lots and lots) of time.
I would argue wrist action over elbow fervor can hide a lot of vigor and every guy knows how to catch his wad in a tissue, so I don't agree there is any difference in obviosity of public masturbators. I bet you've had someone rub one out near you without you knowing. Chicas, you must, in the interest of truth, ask…