
Hurt hurr because that was Wayne. But yeah, not exactly art.

That’s true enough, but young yuppies did line dance here and there when it was in full craze.

Yes. It became a craze that everyone had to try at that time. It was annoying. There was that one song that was EVERYWHERE that people were bootscooting to at work and shit. Nobody tell me what it was, I don’t need it in my head ever again.

It’s weird and exciting for you to see a period show portraying a time when you were barely alive? Really no thoughts when that clicked over for you what it must be like for people like me who were coming of age or older at the time? I’m always inspired to ask older people about anything I watch that depicts a time

EVERY DISNEY MOVIE HAS HAD A SHORT. Stop saying it wasn’t advertised. That’s just dumb

By the way, has anyone noticed the Abfab thing going on with the women’s jobs? PR and fashion-and both so dismally inept, it’s a mystery how they remain employed.

How could you fail to mention Lindsay’s dance? I’ve already watched 10 times. There is a lot of grousing about this season out there. Glad someone likes it. I get the feeling a lot of the fans aren’t actually as misanthropic as I am. These characters can do no wrong. Most of them are despicable and thus make me feel

Now I just want to see a documentary about the events. I’m scared to see this. Just in case it wasn’t autocorrect: rabble-rousers, not rebel-rousers

REALLY depends on where you lived. School clothes crusaders have been around for a long long time. I was “talked to” in the 80's about a flash dance look. (No bra strap visible-gasp! No bra)

Fashion industry in general. Compare men’s and women’s clothing copy in general. That’s what the writers learn is “correct” across the board no matter the clothing. Married to a copywriter. Sucky low paying soul sucking work. Fashion in general continues to suck if we buy it. Don’t buy it.

There aren’t slits in the sides of women’s lab coats? I’ve only worn men’s (jobs always bought unisex) how barbaric.

Also, just a ludicrous concept. As if we aren’t thinking about what we would do if we got pregnant much of the time, and make that all of the time after a night of unprotected sex and/or when we are late. But, you aren’t really thinking about it until someone else says you are thinking about it.

California, for one. It’s more likely one would get a pregnancy test and make an appointment for an abortion later, but there are no laws barring it. Grateful to live here. Had an abortion in Missouri before all this nonsense when there were hundreds of clinics in the state. I cannot believe there is now only one. My

Isn’t anyone else obsessed with New Zealish? Just me? Yisss.

That is truly insufferable, and I salute you for it.

Wait, what did you pretend to be like on dates? If you are always yourself, you won’t have to be someone else when you are single.

Your friends are thin, obvs.

Who are these men who hate eating crap and won’t let you eat any either? I don’t know any. Be and like fat. This path will give you peace.

Only grey gardens if you got an extension cord out to totally avoid the work.

EMTs tend to be the more plain adventurer types who will more likely think you wasted too much precious time on your nails.