
Agreed. I deleted Overwatch after the Blitzchung thing but was worried the news of Overwatch 2 would be enough for me to crack and hop back in...but if they expect people to pay full price for what is essentially an expansion pack they are mistaken. Looks like Blizzard has finally gone full Activision, and that means

More addictive, as in menthol + nicotine is more addictive than nicotine alone. No where is implied that menthol itself is the addictive component, only that menthol cigarettes are more addictive, particularly within the African American community.

Reading comprehension can take you far.

Do you not understand how chemicals work and that something like Menthol could ENHANCE nicotine’s addictiveness.  No where did the author suggest that it was the menthol people were getting hooked to.

Calling out companies that are kowtowing China’s policies DOES help Hong Kong as it puts financial pressure on them to cease acting as an arm of the Chinese government.

It’s not about “personal politics” it is about a corporation enforcing an authoritarian government’s laws and practices outside of that country, when the country that corporation actually exists in has laws counter to those of the authoritarian government.

Easy answer, Dark Chocolate > Milk Chocolate

Where do you even buy those terrible strawberry candies?!  I’ve never in my life seen them on a store shelf!

Is your authority Lewis Black’s stand up routine?

Maybe at Kotaku, but at least one head rolled over at your sister site and I think that keeps getting conflated into “G-O is firing people left and right”

The only person G-O has “canned” is Barry Patchesky, who I believe was EIC of Deadspin. But his firing has triggered a flashpoint because of GMG’s union contract so now everyone is on tilt.

Jason being the most outspoken and “controversial” member of the Kotaku staff is probably right to be apprehensive at this point,

Not only that but the have spent years mocking a division rival over a missed field goal from 2 decades ago...this is all just Karma.

Man...what I wouldn’t give to have a Dead Letters: Autoplay Ads Edition, but instead of letters sent to Deadspin, let’s crack open that...
... ...

I believe the word you were searching for is “vindictiveness”

Hmm...I’m pretty sure allowing 48 points to Kansas State is why Oklahoma lost this game...but hey lets blame it on the tape.

When his ass hits the ground the ball is over the goal the fuck they did they rule that not a TD on the field?

I know it’s not licensed but I have been getting similar feelings playing through Yooka Laylee (on Game Pass).  Character platformers have largely fallen by the way side so when a solid one comes out it calls back to an era when just about EVERY game was trying to be a character platformer with varying degrees of

It’s actually a lovely experience at both USC Coliseum and StubHub Center.

Leave it to Yu to give an opposing player a tip.

what the heck were they even thinking

Nicknamed the “No Fun League” for a reason...Baseball gets a bad rap for being old and stodgy but Football is just as bad.