
Bevo XV almost gored Ugga last year during the Texas Georgia game.

Bevo is the best live animal mascot, cause he takes shit seriously.

It’s not actually that simple...Owners could just...invest their profits into the clubs and minor league affiliates as no owner is hurting for money. But as we have seen in print media and other industries, every industry is just about milking the fuck out of every possible cent of profits.

They 100% could both improve

For a minute there I thought you were saying that 55-year old Vinny Testaverde was attempting to get drafted into the XFL and was REALLY excited about it.

Only to be reminded (via a quick google search) that his son also plays QB...that was the worst guy to remember.

It’s Vince McMahon...if you’ve watched the WWE any time in the last 30 years you would know that subtlety has never been his strong suit.

After seeing this photo...I almost want to wear my LT Powder Blue jersey to the game in December when they play the Vikings (I’m a Vikings fan).  Just so that they know that SOMEONE in LA supports them...albeit as a secondary “ideal championship” kind of way...but still. it because they are mammals?

 It’s not that, it’s that the receiving team’s odds of scoring a touchdown on a punt received near the end of a half are much less than at other times.  So coaches will opt to run plays instead of sending their kicker out there.

While it wasn’t quite Dewayne Wise robbing a home run in the bottom of the ninth

First Darvish now Glasnow...I’m starting to think that it’s less pitchers tipping pitches and more the Astros stealing signs.

FOX used to be the primary location to watch UFC, so much of their audience would know Velazquez. That’s it. That is why WWE trashed Kofi. They wanted to try and capture the audience that watched UFC, many of whom fall into the “wrestling is fake” camp, at the risk of cannibalizing the fans who actually watch the

I had recently been getting back into Overwatch, up to 2-3 hours a night. I was also looking forward to the Halloween event to splurge on my standard 24 boxes per event. I was at work when I saw news of the ban, so when I got home...despite desperately wanting to unwind with some Mystery Heroes, I instead deleted the

I believe we should take this knowledge...and ship the Clippers back to their original home to break this trend and once again have the Buffalo Braves...well probably not Braves since that’s a whole other issue...but still, Buffalo.

The Central is going to be much tougher to win next season with the White Sox starting to creep up there and the Indians not being bad, just kind of fell apart this year.

That’s probably why he’s doing it...he’s tired of getting killed behind the Texans O-Line and is hoping someone throws a TV contract at him so he can get out.

You’ll never find one.  It requires a lack of humanity to think that amassing 1 Billion Dollars is acceptable.

Shame, this could have all been avoided had Daryl watched this week’s South Park.

I think it’s the juxtaposition with the other styles at Deadspin that endears the readership to Ratto.  Going to a legacy publication and getting that style is expected, here it’s something of a delicacy, overly rich and perfect in small doses.

I want to give you all the stars for this.  But I have only one.

I started following it again maybe 4-5 years ago cause a HS friend of mine began training to wrestle and I wanted to be supportive. I feel like in that time I’ve already become burnt out on the WWE (I subbed the network between Jan-Apr most of those years specifically for Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania) and I have

How do you miss mentioning Private Party! That was the best part of Jay and Silent Bob’s spat with JE/Angelico.

The production was solid for it being a debut show. Outside of the Pac / Page start, I thought they did a pretty good job of figuring out when to cut to PiP for commercial. Given that it was still early in