Taylor Swift is Merle Haggard with a uterus.
Taylor Swift is Merle Haggard with a uterus.
You need no explanations.
Without being totally explicit, Hoots was announcing itself as an attempt to appeal to clientele Hooters historically has not: suburban families.
I look forward to the final step in the chain’s evolution, “Hootees”, staffed exclusively by women with concave chests.
Thirded. Ignorance =/= hatefulness when one is educated, learns, and apologises. A large swath of my generation will be ignorant as to transgender issues. People of every generation will be ignorant regarding one issue or another.
This isn’t about legitimizing her path to the presidency. It’s about acknowledging that she does something well, and if the frontrunners were smart they would copy some aspects of her approach to messaging on the debate stage.
Imagine living the irony of being so against socialism, but also being so publicly owned.
I cannot look at and hear Marianne Williamson without thinking Gilda Radner would have nailed the impression.
She's a model who can't walk, that's interesting.
Alright, if this is the gig Janet left Sleater-Kinney for, I understand her.
There’s a number of historians who suggest that Nero wasn’t nearly as bad of a ruler as most people think, since the primary histories of Nero’s rule were basically written by his political enemies. At this point, I’m not sure even Nero would be worse than Trump, who seems to be working hard to try and outdo even…
...with a cactus.
This guy sucks forever ass.
Hey! Remember when the GOP (and Pelosi!) went fucking apoplectic when Omar didn’t display the proper reverence for the sacred 9/11?
At least the Romans could take a measure of solace in the idea that they didn't elect Nero.
Cull beans.
They don’t need experience. The show is already written. Just tear a page out of the book every morning and film that, then {checks book} 1 2/3rd years later stop when you run out of pages.
I’m no Marianne Williamson fan (aside from her voice reminding me of the late, great Madeline Kahn), nor do I think PACs have any place in politics, but who are you to decide what the cardinal rules are? I’m so tired of the left’s 8 billion purity tests. I thought Medicare-For-All was the cardinal rule? Or the Green…