
Judging any cat superficially is a fool’s move. I had a cat who was the most easygoing, friendly-to-everyone cat you’d ever meet, despite being a calico. Big girl too. You’d think that was pretty much her whole shtick, but the easygoing thing was a front for pure smartassery. One day we put her on a leash and she

Shelter Cat Update!

Oh, that’s a mullet. I’m not sure why, but that I heart TS tank top just killed any attraction I had towards him.


This is fucking incredible

I was 8 years old, and my family and I were driving to Niagara Falls in Canada for a nice long weekend trip. My sister and I were sleeping in the backseat when we got to the border, and my parents woke us up so that it didn’t look like they were smuggling 2 children under the blankets. I was pissed to be awoken from my

Yeah, it Seema Verma weird.

CNN is useless. That they can even try to claim that they're fair is preposterous.

I want to shoot that woman into the sun.

Betsy DeVos is more heinous than her brother Erik Prince. They’re both mercenaries hell bent on political and social mass destruction, but she is so much worse domestically.

Honestly, look at this face and tell me he wasn’t enough of a babe to get blown up for?

I saw that tour! Next thing you know, Jez will post a hit piece on Tori and then I’ll have to quit this website forever.

Congratulations on leaving what is easily the most deranged comment I’ve ever received in my year of working at Jezebel lol. 

No need for the word “might” in this comment.

She’s got so much goddamned money that she’s been living on the moon for decades and has no idea what the hell is happening at any given moment or how to interact with people outside her immediate reality.

Yeah, fuck you. Get help. 

When we really get down to it we discover that a lot of grown men just really love dressing up as action dudes and doing the things action dudes do. I’d wager that half the security industry exists solely to act out the fantasies of those within it. You can get away with doing pretty much anything if you insist it is

Seriously? Just when I thought they couldn’t find anoyher way to steal teachers’ dignity. One of my freshmen asked me where I go for lunch. In between fits of laughing at her innocence, I briefly pondered how life might be if I was extended such a mundane perk of professionalism.

There’s such a fine line between these military-wannabe types and the people who actually commit mass shootings.

I’m starting to think being a teacher in this country might be a shitty job.