
Dude, you’re the one that looks like an ass. This person just said that English is their second language, which they appear more than proficient in, and making a COMMON mistake that far too many native speakers make regularly is no reason for the snarky “nice spelling” jab, here.

I’d say he’s looking really good. Around 2016 he was over 400 2017 he’d lost over 100; and he’s still going.

In the past few years, I’ve seen my brother lob off his left fingertip with one of my global knives, and my mother cut off a decent part of the tip of her right middle finger with a mandolin slicer. Any time I do delicate cutting, I make damn sure now that I’m wearing cut resistant gloves - everyone who uses sharp

It’s from the serenity prayer:

They had to bring Dan back because 1/2 of their audience wouldn’t return without him.

When restablishing a credit card system for a company I worked for previously I learned just how unsecure all transactions are. So many security features mean basically nothing when it comes down to transactions it’s best to assume it’s going to happen and have a backup plan. We have all these cute little theatrics in

He took in a kitten I found under my porch, which I couldn’t keep bc my old cat wanted to eat it. Then he got a second cat so the kitten would have a friend. I think we’re even.

Omg yes..the gnarly parmesan stench!! My mom told us a story about her popping a boil on my dad’s back and it erupted all over her face. She in turn, throws up on him. This is also a story our family tells constantly to elicit little vomit sounds from her. We are gross, horrible people

If you’re an adult who thinks the term is “investigating journalism,” you have no business getting snarky about anyone else’s cognitive faculties.

Ironic, considering you didn’t comprehend her comment.

That picture is nightmare inducing.

I am that old and I remember Happy Holidays in the early 70s. It’s because, as you said, there is an absurd number of holidays, many spanning days, during the Winter Solstice (the original, btw:)) And you never know a stranger’s preference.

Republican women are always shocked when they get treated with the same sexist malice as liberal/progressive women. Shocked!

You have to go back 65 years to Truman to find a White House holiday card that had the word “Christmas”.

Congrats all around! Nothing but love here!

My sister and her girlfriend can, as of about an hour ago, be more accurately referred to as my sister and her fiancée! Barf on that, Trump and Haters!

Although ... he *wishes* his chin looked like that.