
I'm much like your husband; there is some scary alcoholism on both sides of my family, so I decided not to tempt fate. However, my in-laws are WASPs who drink gin every day and my husband grew up in that culture. Because I'm just happy to be there, nobody really cares whether I partake or not, or, if it's after

Of course it's a matter of priority. RadhaPineapple have been together for nearly a decade. He and I have totally different tastes in food, music, films, and books, but we're both fire-breathing atheists and incredibly good looking, so it works.

My dad spent most of his life working as a tattoo artist. He was best known for photo-realistic drawings, most notably for aquatic life and firearms. For a while, he was drawing one ankle revolver after another. He was pretty great at them.

That's kind of neat.

Well, lovely, then! Be happy and have a good time.

My viewpoint is essentially that if you feel all right and you're up for it, odds are everything will turn out fine. If you don't feel like giving it a shot, don't do it, but if you're game, proceed.

I have no doubt that has happened to you, but I'm going to make an educated guess that you weren't really in the mood that day.

I don't know why you're calling me Miss Judgey Pants. Square and informative, maybe, but definitely not judgey. I shocked myself when I realized I had it all wrong and that there wasn't nearly as much as I thought there was. I wanted to spread the good news.

You know, I try to be really earnest and mature about these kinds of things, but, my dear... I loled.

Well, if it makes you very nervous, then it won't be a good time. But, if fortune favors you, you might find it's not much different than any other time.

Lots of women think that they bleed a lot more than they really do.

If you know you're all right, then I suggest that you do some experiments and observations if you're curious or otherwise inclined. I used to think I ejected a quart a day, but I was very wrong. It's just not that much blood, and if you do a quick clean-up, you'll stay pretty clean for a while.

I made friends with a woman my own age from mainland China last year and I noticed that she didn't shave, either. I never asked her if it was her own personal preference or whether armpit shaving in China was rare, because, to tell the truth, I don't care.

That is true, normal is a range. But nobody bleeds quickly and continuously from beginning to end unless there's something very wrong, and you shouldn't bleed too much during any fifteen or twenty minute interval. Sometimes it looks like more than it is; it's often much less than it appears to be, is all I'm saying.

When my parents divorced (the second time, ahem) my dad spent six weeks in Kansas so that he and my mom could have the least stressful, tidiest, cheapest divorce possible. They did love one another, but no matter how hard they tried, they could just not be married. Your parents sound similarly inclined, and I'm glad

Misty is so wonderful. I saw her the day they filmed her in the studio for this ad. She is just lovely to be around, to be honest.

When I was fifteen, I pretended to be my older cousin in a chat room (this was a LOOOOOONG time ago) and used her photo. I made close friends with someone, and I felt so sick about it after a while, that I confessed that I was myself and that my cousin had no idea I had been using her identity. I have no idea why,

Anytime, my friend! That's what I'm here for :)

I have normal periods. If you have abnormal periods, you should consult with your doctor.

Your high school boyfriend sounds like an immature jerk. He probably wasn't emotionally ready for any sort of physical relationship if that's how he behaved. You shouldn't let things he said bother you.