
I havent actually used a master/slave setup *ever*. My college course hasnt mentioned it once.

More proof that this is a PR stunt and nothing meaningful. 

I watched the new one though. It’s really not that sad, planes just make me cry more I guess?

There’s a subtle sadness to the original Jumanji. Looking past all the shenanigans, what happened to Robin Williams’ character was tragic.


Ugh, “Latinx”.

I have been a practicing attorney for 15 years, and let me just say something that I feel everyone should know: You do not need to be smart to go to law school. People think you do, but you don’t. Exhibit A illustrating this phenomenon is of course, me. Exhibit B is Ted Cruz, who reveals himself to be an utter moron

Not even that. The best wrestler we’ve ever elected President, hands down, would be Abraham Lincoln. Literally, this was how people in Illinois entertained themselves in the 19th century, yet by the time he was in his 30's, nobody would wrestle the guy, because he was known to be both incredibly experienced and inhuman

American politics today is more like:

This is the one Pixar movie I haven’t seen. I pretty much always forget it even exists. It doesn’t feel like a big loss.

I don’t think I’ve seen very much WW2 media that is outright nostalgic for the period.

But your first sentence is why artists keep going back to that well almost 80 years later. I’m genuinely curious if WW2 is going to start to slip more into a historical (ie, so detached from contemporary perspective as to lose the

damn right, i’m sick of all cops being tarred with the same brush, I knew plenty of good cops from my criminal justice class who would not every do anything like what some cops are doing right now to protesters and journalists.

Ah yes, you must be here for the enlightened discourse. I’ll take “nerd” to mean that you were not able to comprehend the combination of words that I strung together.  Please have someone read them to you then we can chat about their content. 

I’m kind of at a loss as to where to start with this article. How about this-my underlying assumption is and has been that law enforcement needs to change how it interacts with the black community, but most cops are just like us: Hard-working, good people. T

Pretty much every iconic cop character in movies and on TV are celebrated for gross violations of the Constitution and basically being psychopaths.

How about just no. Their games, their creations, their decisions. Though they’ll probably do it because people will bitch and moan and threaten with boycots and other shit.

With the cancellation of Cops and LivePD, if we ever see an onscreen depiction of the police, articles like this and others will help ensure that it is a negative portrayal. It’s a damn shame that a job people used to consider a noble pursuit has to be drug into the gutter by the actions of a few who should never have

As Jhelter Skelter said, in the comics Spider-Man has been treated by the public at large with apathy at best. Hell he has been framed for murder multiple times.

“Despite the occasional tilting of this portrait, Spider-Man’s story and world were not a representation of the kind of New York that exists outside the TV screen.”

WWII is literally the worst man made catastrophe to ever befall mankind. By one count eighty million people around the world died from it, one way or another, in just a few short years. By the end even the ‘good guys’ were indiscriminately incinerating entire cities. That makes it a worthy topic for historical study

This idea that men of a certain age suddenly become obsessed with World War 2 is as mistaken as Nagumo’s decision to re-arm his planes with high explosives for a second strike at Midway.