
Fortunately, the lawsuit would be an easy slam dunk and worth pursuing. There were multiple violations made by the police to cause the incident. 

Prevailing wisdom is that they’re “better” but it’s kind of like pointing out that Saddam Hussein wasn’t as bad as Joseph Stalin.  Better doesn’t mean good.  

I’m surprised the cops didn’t arrest the pilots and charge them with destroying their property.

For clarity, Buttonville is a municipal airport and is scheduled to close by 2023 or thereabouts but it’s actually one of the busiest airports, measured by air traffic, in Canada. At one point about 10 years ago it ranked the 7th busiest airport with only internationals in major cities handling more volume. It has a

Everyone’s ignoring the obvious host solution. The same ideal host for the Academy Awards.

If Ryan Reynolds endorses Levar Burton to host Jeopardy!, then I think it is a good idea.

Can we just hire Levar Burton and get it over with?

Yeah, Jet read as black to me, albeit a lighter skinned black guy. Probably helped by his voice actor being black.

Spike, what with the last name of Speigel, and his bigass jew-fro, however, was not Asian.

oh fuck you too, you stupid shitstain. Im sure youre one of those boring, over compensating liberals who cries racism everywhere you look. Fuck off i couldnt give the slightest fuck if you think im racist or not. Only weak minded people like you worry about that shit.

Plus, John Cho as Spike.  I laughed when I read that the showrunner was insistent of Spike being Asian, as though that were some sort of checkmark for fidelity to the source material.

fuck you.

“Jet Black” is just a name, he wasn’t LITERALLY black. I hate the way that now they always HAVE to change some of the characters sex and/or race in every adaption. Its like a fucking law now or something, they just cant adapt something and leave ALL of it intact, AS IS.

I could do a lot of damage on Steam with a spare 7500USD kicking around. I don’t buy anything new, don’t mess with F2P or MP games, so I’m a cheap date. Can’t remember the last thing I bought launch priced.

Honestly I’d rather just have the money.

I mean 7500 ain’t nothin’, why throw shade? Pretty sure they have specific tiers for payouts on bug finding. Which one could argue are entirely arbitrary. This wallet hack would probably ping on a company’s radar pretty quick.

Plus that 100K bounty from the article you’ve linked seems to indicate it’s ‘up to’ that

So not only is the egyptian overnment engaging in extortion,they’re now holding hostages??!

I read this more that their union has done nothing to fix an international mess that essentially imprisons the crew while blackmail is discussed.  Boat laws are messed up.

Only if the company that operates it chooses to, and only if Egypt allows it. Ships being trapped in the canal is actually pretty common, and there’s a lot of laws in place that make it so the crew can’t just legally leave. That’s what happened to 15 ships that got stranded in the canal when it got closed for 8 years

Interesting power struggle. Basically extortion and kidnapping by a foreign power.

If Egypt wants to hold the ship ransom then they should release the current crew and staff it with their own