Ah, yes. Plenty of room under the trailer for so I can hide from the cops in my black Honda Civic. Saw it in this documentary once. It was about these furious people going really fast.
Ah, yes. Plenty of room under the trailer for so I can hide from the cops in my black Honda Civic. Saw it in this documentary once. It was about these furious people going really fast.
I think the rear steering controller sits in that white pickup truck. His nose was right under the thing every time it got hairy.
Weird, the way those gantries are constructed I always assumed they just bolted them together onsite, erector-set style. It never occurred to me that the whole truss would have to be driven there in pre-assembled form, that’s nuts.
Oh, hey!
I’m absolutely terrified by the number of people who think anarchy is now a good idea that would lead to a blissful utopia. If there are no police then EVERYTHING is now legal, including race-motivated murder. “Finding justice is difficult, so we should make it impossible” makes no sense.
Well this couldn’t have been a more ill-advised post. Police do a hell of a lot more than what is mentioned here. Maybe do a little more investigating before you post such an audaciously irresponsible post. I’m not saying the system isn’t broken and may need work, but that doesn’t give you recourse to devalue it…
So what about the ability to protect ourselves as well? If we’re going to take away police, we’ll still need to be able to protect ourselves. Crime still won’t magically stop.
When I call 911 because my neighbour is beating his wife again, I’m really looking forward to seeing how the social worker that shows up deals with a gun being pointed in their face.
What if your car is stolen, and the culprit is caught and turns out to have a drug problem? Rather than simply locking up the thief for a period and then releasing them again with little to no attempt made to solve the root cause of why they stole the car, we might be better off turning to addiction services.
A friend of mine was left penniless with 3 little kids when her husband first carefully looted every savings account they had and THEN bounced out of their marriage. So I drove and went with her to many many meetings with social services people. Some of them were idiots and some of them were competent. Not a single…
‘The reality is a lot of people just don’t call the police as it is because they feel like it’s just going to make their lives worse. That is a deep truth.’
I rspectfully recommend you do a ride-along. You may think a lttle differently.
The takes from the authors lately have been shit and have only been getting worse. I love snark as much as the next person, but the some of the recent opinions expressed by the staff have been immature, bratty, and just comically stupid. Hating on Biden? Discouraging voting? Shitting on literally everything and…
Your misleading and controversial headline is clearly clickbait. Shame on Lifehacker!
I can’t with y’all. I just can’t with this performative bullshit. Yeah, some times the titles are so bad it’s not worth reading the article.
But instead of these “higher up” police you let rent-a-cops and personal bodyguards have more sway in public? To an extent that they very much do not have currently?
You’re just an idiot. As soon as some other idiot breaks into your apartment and commits some horrific act of violence against you, you’ll be screaming about how Trump didn’t provide you security, or this or that government entity didn’t protect you and doesn’t use your tax money to keep your privileged self in…
This article has to be one of the most nonsensical and frankly moronic works from this site.
Have you done any analysis to figure out if you laid off half the cops and hired 1-for-1 a social worker to replace them how that would impact public safety? I imagine that would cause many businesses and rich people to hire armed guards (from the ranks of unemployed officers).
Let’s not be so jaded and foolish to think that cops don’t save black lives too. This is the worst idea of 2020 and thats saying something.