
Because this is the internet, and any kind of criticism makes you an asshole. Especially when you’re dealing with fanboys and 4th graders.

Welcome to fighting games

The XBOX is fine, although it could be improved upon.

As soon as I read the title, I knew... Ross

I would love nothing more than to see assholes like this stoned and left for dead in a field of crows

“You just sound like a petty gamergater who feels the need to consantly repeat themselves over and over as loudly as you can.”

To me, torrenting something because you are unsure of whether or not you’ll like is more acceptable than not wanting to pay for entirely. I’ve torrented games that I wasn’t sure about, found out they sucked after an hour and uninstalled them. I’ve also torrented games played them for an hour then realized I loved them

It really would be great if we could believe people implicitly. Too bad we can't because anyone is capable of lying about anything for any reason.

It really would be great if we could believe people implicitly. Too bad we can't because anyone is capable of lying about anything for any reason.

This is informative but I just want to know one thing. Where the hell do I get a Genesect?

I can't wait to see Michael and Gavin play this

Now playing

I think Ethnic Cleansing might've been worse.

Speaking of skyrim

Looks like they were attempting and succeeding at being assholes.