
Curious what was the extent of the content they provided . What is the line between fair use here and copyright infringement. Laws are different everywhere but for instance here people do Spoiler/theory videos on shows like Game of Thones with footage etc.

One positive I do see for shaders not being tied to a set is that you could make more choices. It would still be nice to not have to collect more but I like the freedom to make some really bad visually unpleasing choices.

It seems silly to me that they try to do something nice and people accuse them of only caring about profiteering and exploiting this guys memory. Seems more asinine they would calculatingly exempt 6 states for huge profits so most likely a legal thing. And internationally its probably more trouble than its worth to

Government Employees Insurance Co. 

The Connecticut Leather Company

National Biscuit Company

I am all for people getting paid their dues and fighting for what they are owned. But studios seeing a trends are probably going to stop hiring her out to do work to avoid issues.

A few years back running a D&D test edition there was a fire cleric build I played around with. They were a very Devout Warforged Cleric of a fire god from the world setting. There personality was very Lawful good trying to always take a the high road and fight evil. But his flaws pushed him a bit into Chaotic

Same I will buy my cross platform titles for the best platform that has been the PS4 but the X1X may change this for my living room playing.

Your example is why this will backfire though. People will get pissed of if the other platforms do it the pendulum will not swing Sony’s way forever.

XboneX man we are just a few more iterations from xxXboneXxx

It seems odd to me to say arror anyways imagine Hawkeye with the word arrow on their quiver. It would seem stupid as this does.

I like how some older games on PC had Easter eggs or even hints for the game inside. One of the space quest had a newspaper for instance. Imagine this on newer games imagine if Zelda had riddles in the manual that led to a hidden shrine etc. Or in a more modern game a phone number in a fake ad that helped you in a

This is more a cultural clash in view perspectives I believe and less about insensitivity by Nintendo. Japan has historical and folk stories that go into the whole guy dressing as Woman to trick their enemy. I remember one story and cannot remember the name where a very Beautiful man dressed in a Kimono and deceived

I do agree I would like to see better durability early on. I feel they did this to make people change weapons up and that is cool. But a sword or club should last a lot longer realistically. Often times you cant even complete a fight without losing the weapon. Many times these weapons are the quest reward I got a

Get a Glass one and you wont even know its on there it also adds some screen impact protection that the thin ones just cannot do.

Got my Shika Slate Case from Zelda Collectors edition. And one of those glass screen protectors(it is magical.). Had one of the film ones but it didn’t go on quite right it was just a stop gap (my screen has never been touched directly an plan to keep it that way). I am curious if there are any good film protectors

The NBA analogy doesn’t work though here as there are designated areas for Basket ball and they are designed to handle a capacity that the court can spectators can use once its full most people will find somewhere else to go.

If they are going to put a big case for a little cart at least put a pretty color manual in there.