On New Year’s Eve, one member of Japan’s most famous comedy duo donned blackface for nationwide television.
On New Year’s Eve, one member of Japan’s most famous comedy duo donned blackface for nationwide television.
Yeah sorry but I don’t care. There is a case to be made about that for XP, but 7 is far too recent, I’m not going to support any practice that involve OSes being too old at 7.
I don’t think i’ld want to be the teamsters that move that too and from events.
I guess the solution is for everyone to install a mod of any type so everyone is bunched into the softbanned pool of players, problem “solved”. One ridiculous turn deserves another.
All this science is cool and all, but we've already known the location of the tower for over two years, and it's not any of the listed locations. Clearly Bungie wasn't trying too hard to be accurate. As pointed out in this thread, the last city, and therefore the tower, are actually in Puerto Princesa, Philippines.
Last year in Japan, Nintendo released two new models of the New 3DS. Next month in Europe, Nintendo will release two…
D Piddy, who you may know from his Deadpool videos, has left the Marvel universe behind here for something a little b…