@Bawb - The One, The Only, The Builder: Unfortunately, actually confirming that Aeris cannot be resurected is less fun than speculating about whether she can be.
@Bawb - The One, The Only, The Builder: Unfortunately, actually confirming that Aeris cannot be resurected is less fun than speculating about whether she can be.
@timmykatar: Computer vision really doesn't work very well; I have serious doubts about the notion of using Kinect for anything that requires precision.
@SkyBlu: Any day a car bomb doesn't knock your brother into a coma is a good day.
@puffa469: A 50/50 split on supporting the war and/or making video games about serious subjects, I think.
You can, as others have said, shoot at enemies above and below you just by aligning your crosshair horizontally with them. The reason why this works (and why you can't actually look up or down) is all about Doom's pseudo-3D engine.
Some say he's a dick. Others say he's a dick. But man, that guy is good at Donkey Kong.
@breadofwonder: It should perhaps be called "Rented this game earlier tonight/totally wasted mode" instead. Or I guess in Blazblue's case, "This game the previous night deposit / full mode Waste Rebel".
They're working on a sequel called Palm Pilot (in which you pilot your palm towards your face after having attempted to play Face Pilot).
@Bubbleman! Is going to Japan NEXT MONTH!: id did not develop either of those games in-house; I think it was Splash Damage and Raven respectively.
So we would have to buy Kinect, buy Fable III, and then buy Kinect DLC for Fable III?
@billysan: So it can protect itself against patent infringement lawsuits.
@CowboyBebopCrew: Probably because Resident Evil was itself the offspring of zombie films; it would have been a remake of a remake.
@Jtown465: Sully would also be played by Nathan Fillion.
The idea that someone should have to complete the round in a casual online multiplayer game even if they're having a bad time is kind of silly, isn't it? This isn't like real life pickup games, where you only have 6-8 guys on the court and if someone leaves you can't play anymore; there are hundreds if not thousands…
@OTCIXS: Uh, maybe you could like, steal some cars.
@FuktLogik: Is this to suggest that the ultimate video game would be something along the lines of "Killfuck Victory"?
@Hoostin Hoohays: Could be iodine stain.
There is a sequence in Limbo where you see a raised platform with an obvious giant crushing machine above it. First you attempt to avoid the platform, but of course stepping on the area around it gets you crushed. So after you respawn you jump on the platform itself to avoid the area around it. Immediately after this…
Looks like Lara to me. Always amazes me how people's standards on the internet/TV/print seem to differ from their standards in real life.
@drag: Now now, no amount of hatemail and/or sobriety could allow her to resist the sultry basstones of Brad Shoemaker.