This does seem to better explain why mammals have two eyes.
This does seem to better explain why mammals have two eyes.
@Liquidska: Aren't you arguing that it ISN'T like Twilight?
@kingmanic: Well sure, but doesn't every RPG? You always tell your companions what they want to hear so that you can get what you want from them; you steal any item the game doesn't punish you for taking; you kill small, defenseless animals repeatedly as a training exercise. You litter every corner of the world with…
After reading some of your articles about Persona 3 but not owning a PS2 or PSP, I decided to check out Giantbomb's Persona 4 endurance run. I don't really know how similar the two games are, but it would seem the mechanical structures are very similar.
Four words: Yellow jacket palette swap.
@AdmiralCrackbar: The problem with limbo would seem to be that once you get down there you tend to forget where you are or why you're there; since suicide is not one of the default things that a human would do, presumably you would just continue to exist forgetting that you're dreaming and/or that you can wake up by…
@tslothrop: If gravity is based on the velocity of the dreamer's body one layer up, then it makes sense; Eames' body is not in free-fall, ergo the snow level isn't zero-g.
@Fata1moose: They should totally get Stephen Harper in there though.
@Chewblaha: I did not realize famous politician Barack Obama was actually a linebacker for the Packers.
@tetracycloide: It certainly is. This seems like an example of the digital media people buying themselves a decade or two of free reign to extort the citizens of the US while courts gradually ban every single measure in the bill.
@RockyRan: Basically I think it means that if your use of the video would be covered by fair use, you are allowed to crack encryption schemes to get at it.
@leetfoo: A case came up in a court a while ago where someone had made software for cracking secure PDFs so that computers could read them aloud for blind people. This caused the publisher to sue. It was eventually ruled unconstitutional for the DMCA to prevent legal owners of an eBook from breaking its encryption for…
Sources say the victim's eyeball was supposed to go to Slytherin while the rest of him was bound for Hufflepuff.
These materials tell us nothing about anything.
The best way to attract hackers to your game is to announce you've fixed hacking in your game.
I don't know why the standup bass has become such a staple in portrayals of hip, late night parties. I don't imagine many of those Sims would enjoy the actual sound of a standup bass.
@Slinker: No one wants to feel isolated.
@hot_heart: That's because you haven't met Alice from Walmart.
"Jumping the Shark" refers specifically to running out of ideas for a long-running series and using ridiculous ones instead