
Er, I should think that most video games are technically NP-hard. The approaches in the paper are interesting, though.

So, uh, are they sure it isn't mental illness?

Yep. "We have to stop the satellite, Desmond - and the only way we can do that is [bullshit excuse to use the Animus again]!"

Does Rick Santorum even believe in genetics?

"Well Peach, your prostate looks normal. Slightly enlarged, but within normal range for a man your age-OH GOD"

There is a distinct difference in intention between 'Like [game X], but...' and 'As close to [game X] as possible PLUS our massive market clout'.


Well, this is super weird.

If I'm giving an honest assessment of what I imagine his perspective to be, I would suggest that he feels (as I do) that the sort of gender representations we see in Arkham City should be relegated to a gaming subculture rather than be gaming's equivalent of the USS Enterprise. (That is, the 'flagship' of the fleet

Seoul Sister is right. The situation is easy to describe: Male characters are made for male identification, while female characters are made to be objectified by men. Or, if you prefer: [www.shortpacked.com]

I agree. It probably comes down to the insanely risk-averse nature of big media projects like AAA games and Hollywood films. The only way you can get money to make a game is if A) You're making a game for the audience who historically is most likely to buy a $60 product and B) You have a lot of experience making

If you were male, do you think you would have felt it necessary to apologize for your writing? :P

Bonus points for "jesuitical".

What? You mean those women DIDN'T go to the convention for the express purpose of being photographed and rated on internet 1-10 scales? Next you're going to tell me their lives, as a whole, involve more than me ogling them.

Sadly, a few people WILL in fact stand up to defend rape threats (as generic 'internet shit-talking'). Because the internet is a cesspool and can never be otherwise, so don't try to change it!


I believe the reason why "these articles address the entire Kotaku audience like it is nothing but sexist white males" is that Gawker has found it generates huge page views basically for free. Kotaku's audience does seem to love a good flame war.

Well, the insults make reference to actual inequalities that exist. The most extreme example would be that it's easy to see how rape jokes and threats can be upsetting to rape victims (and, in fact, can trigger PTSD in some people). But I understand it's the smaller things too. Women who get cat-called at all the time

Congratulations on invoking the only Neitzche quote anybody knows about as an argument AGAINST the form of government most commonly derived from Neitzche's philosophy. Also: Making the argument ad hitlerum in response to the idea that people should feel ashamed about throwing sexist slurs at women they don't even

Well, no, I don't imagine they are just as hurt. It's very hard to hurt a privileged person's feelings because as Louis CK will tell you, privilege feels pretty good: [www.youtube.com]