Are you aware that this article involves the author beginning from your perspective and transitioning to an opposite one, listing the reasons for that transition? Might you care to address those reasons (that is, the actual content of the article)?
Are you aware that this article involves the author beginning from your perspective and transitioning to an opposite one, listing the reasons for that transition? Might you care to address those reasons (that is, the actual content of the article)?
You are causing them to become silent; they make the choice, but they don't get to select every condition informing that choice.
It's a popular refrain in feminism circles. There is a field of 'science' called evolutionary psychology which espouses, often based on the very opposite of historical evidence, such ideas as 'men can't help but rape women because LOOK AT FARM ANIMALS'. More generally, evo psych advances the notion that in…
They're stuck in a chicken-and-egg loop because the audience they have isn't the audience they want. Fact is much of the 'core' (hate that word) crowd enjoys misogynistic garbage. Of course developers want a broader audience so they don't have to make the garbage anymore, but they can't get that audience until they…
Would you like a depressing mountain of evidence regarding women being insulted online? []
You don't silence them by preventing them from speaking; you silence them by making their remarks seem foolish and making them feel foolish for saying foolish things. Sort of like how the phrase 'silencing the critics' has little to do with Adolph Hitler.
I think the vast majority of females who play FPSs are conditioned to disguise their gender, just as young kids are sometimes conditioned to disguise their age. So there is a confluence there.
Evo psych is bullshit. Evo psych is bullshit. Evo psych is bullshit.
I think it arises from social complexity. Insulting one person may make a few other people laugh, gaining you social status. Kicking the people beneath you when they're down allows you to consolidate your place in hierarchical systems (like high school!). It turns out that empathy can be easy to circumvent, and some…
I never understood why people feel compelled to publicly comment on the physical appearance of anyone they see on the internet. It's not appropriate behavior and is often incredibly cruel. I'm pretty sure deriving enjoyment from making others feel bad is evidence of a psychological disorder.
It's easy to describe the situation as unfixable. It's harder to actually fix it.
The next time I decide to level an inappropriate slur at you, I promise to do away with the synonyms and call you "homosexual" straight-up.
Privilege, dude. I don't care if you call me a dick because I'm already on top of the gender hierarchy; the insult is toothless. Calling a woman a "cunt" is a way of reminding her of her the inferior status imposed on her. Same reason why no one I've ever met loses sleep over being called a 'cracker'.
This, I think, is the quintessential dilemma imposed by discriminatory cultures and a big part of how they work. Even though bowing to them is wrong, it's also pragmatic; and while changing how you live to accommodate an unfair system also fuels this system, NOT changing how you live is both difficult to do and…
I think the people being sexist are still the bigger problem, but yeah, those who attempt to marginalize these arguments while still agreeing with them ain't helping much.
Well, I mean, it sort of IS a worldwide plague that we have a duty to fight against. And while it is perhaps true that there are worse things in existence, pointing it out in this context is a bit of a lame rhetorical trick; yes there are children starving and horrible acts of violence, but that does not invalidate…
Million-to-one shot, doctor... Million-to-one.
Totally did the same thing.
Two of those 'one goal wins' were shutouts. During that series, Vancouver actually managed to score the fewest goals ever in a 7-game Stanley Cup final (eight goals), and managed to produce 3 wins. Just saying.
I think she probably is insulting the brainless Neanderthals, but they've certainly earned it.