@Who wants toast?: A Butterfly Effect movie just isn't a Butterfly Effect movie without the tangy taste of some prison dude's genitals.
@Who wants toast?: A Butterfly Effect movie just isn't a Butterfly Effect movie without the tangy taste of some prison dude's genitals.
@TaylorEatWorld: "Sequel to GAME OF THE YEAR WINNER Deus Ex!"
@BanhammerStrikesBack: A liberal socialist, as opposed to that other kind of socialist.
I'm not sure whether all this outrage results from a lack of knowledge about the Deus Ex setting or just some kind of desire to engage in "culture wars" on the internets.
@Lackshmana: Fixed?
@Bichatse: Of course, this doesn't explain why RDR is littered with crash bugs on the 360.
@Celery: Wasn't that called Gothic?
Woo! Short term quarterly gains FT-FUCKING-W, bro! Brand recognition affirmed, G! I am so happy that my preferred console has a game on it that sold a lot of copies. It really validates my need to purchase my sense of self-superiority from a Future Shop. I can't believe these noobs who play on consoles that don't have…
@Christopher Lee Smith: Yes I did. And as I listened to the cast deliver the exact same piece of clunky exposition for like the tenth or twelfth time, I realized my mistake.
Having purchased and played FFXIII, I can confidently say I would not pay even $5.48 for it.
If this goes forward, it would be one or two projects currently attempting to reboot the Mortal Kombat film franchise.
@—Core—: It is entirely about trying to sell products to people that don't need or want them, and that is why it's useful to marketers.
The posts reach up from the bowels of the 'Show All Comments' section, black tentacles flailing wildly and feverishly across the page. Everybody has their reasons. Some want nominations, others want stars, but one thing is clear: Writing Max Payne-style prose is both easy and profitable, like an icy catfish in a…
Patch or no patch, still better than MW2.
@Tacticalspoon: Mask of the Betrayer is the real NWN2; the main campaign is more of a subpar expansion pack.
@BrinkleyTown: Probably the best solution is to hire some attractive gamers, give them some top secret info beforehand, and pay them next to nothing. That way no one in the company has to waste their time with it.
@Eternal: Well, it's not hard to see why they did it. The whole point was to buy an established IP and pimp it; why would they admit that it had almost nothing to do with the Fallout franchise? The whole "Tell everyone it is going to be like the old games but then make it like every other contemporary game" strategy…
@Kellen Dunkelberger: The stuff that was good about Fallout had nothing at all to do with its engine.
@PunkyChipsAhoy: I want a new Morrowind and about three new Obsidian games.
If I could pick one person in the entire world who would be the very worst choice to play Lara Croft, it would be this lady.