
I thought she was pretty good in her first appearance on the show. Better than Wyatt was when he first got there.

@Batman: I am not sure boyfriends are allowed to have things. They are, however, allowed to borrow the things they used to own from their girlfriends.

@mespme: I think this generation's Star Wars is still Star Wars.

@myketuna: You could also throw the G-Man into the background a few times.

@flashtut: That's because China isn't actually communist and haven't been for many, many years. Foxconn itself is the direct result of a global economy.

@Spykedude: I think if they do a Half-Life film they should go for an Opposing Force/Blue Shift type deal. Focus on a character who isn't Gordon Freeman, but maybe have one scene where the two briefly intersect.

I'm sorry, but isn't this all bullshit?

@ryan2107: To work a 34-hour shift? You bet.

@flashtut: Because communists are not big on workers' rights, and, uh, I guess atheists are immoral?

@Legion329: 800,000 employees would make Foxconn bigger than my city.

The solution: Wait until people stop reporting on this, continue exploitation.

I would buy it.

@geiko: Yeah, Rachel is a definite last place. Frankly, I think you have to go with Joey and/or Chandler in the top tier, with all the others except Rachel in the middle tier. Rachel is bottom tier.

@Foxwolfe: The engine really isn't the important part. I can live without turn-based combat on a hex grid; what was good about Fallout was the setting, the characters, the dialogue, the quests.

@kickingtotalass: Obsidian almost always produces more interesting stories than Bioware; they don't seem to have the resources to polish anything, though.

@DocSeuss: I was frankly more worried about Bethesda doing the third Fallout than I am about Obsidian doing the next one.

I predict this will be a watered down cover shooter with okay-to-decent console FPS mechanics, an asinine and incomprehensible MW2-style plot, a lame set of RPG mechanics that involves a very narrow upgrade tree consisting mostly of mandatory token upgrades (like night vision), completely forgettable characters, and

@DocSeuss: Yep. Every one of these screenshots uses what is essentially a Rembrandt palette.

@Terry the Klown: It would seem to me that the people who dismiss Freeman as being identical to, say, the guy from Doom, have never actually played HL2 or simply weren't paying attention.