
I'm curious as to how many Kotaku posters have actually played the PC version of Half-Life 2.

@Full_Circle: My problem with Link is that he's slotted so narrowly into a badly cliched archetype. He's always an anonymous kid destined to be a hero who proceeds to go and be a hero.

@TheBigCheese_: As far as common enemies go, the Tonberry is a good one. Common video game enemies would make for a good list.

Nice to see some old-school PC stuff going on in the top 5. I think Freeman is a legitimate choice for #1, depending on how you conceptualize the list. Other valid choices may include Mario or something in a Nathan Drake mold.

@Full_Circle: I do. Of all the non-character characters in video games, Link is perhaps the most characterless.

@CLanceMcP: I think I should have gone with "This looks like a job for -".

The lack of a seam between the neck/armor and the face makes for an incredibly shooped-looking effect (whether or not that face is actually a 3D rendering). It's extremely off-putting. They should have rendered in a visible neckline (with a lower camera angle or just making the armor's neckline lower) or at least

@Fold: I think Uwe could play a great Bilbo.

@Akio Morita: Dulce et Decorum Est and all that, I would think.

Michael Bay is on the job.

@GeneralBattuta: COD combat has always felt pretty claustrophobic to me.

@legendnthemaking: They've got NO CHANCE of getting 1200 Microsoft points from me.

@jsalari: The women in Sex and the City are not role models. They're not even human, they're essentially cartoons. Some of the things they do could get you hurt, expelled, arrested - possibly deported.

One more way to keep those unsightly poor kids out.

@jsalari: Some men like to watch fantasies about Shia Lebeouf getting a ridiculously hot girlfriend, a pet sentient car, and saving the entire world despite having no actual skills, abilities or qualifications for any of those things.

@Bologna: No, but they've filed several patents on "multi-dimensional square-based objects".

@spyderr0de0: It has an operating system that is non-garbage-based, so anything is possible.

@ManekiNeko: When you look at what they've accomplished as a business (Child's Play and PAX, for example), it's hard to argue we'd be better off with just a webcomic.

So looking at some comments here, I will try to figure out what the hell happened.

@Andrew Freedman: The darkness wears her face, but presumably Jagger is not the darkness itself. I would imagine it is still mucking around somewhere, but it seems to need a human host in order to affect the real world (and now that Alan is aware of it he probably isn't easy prey).